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  • Caitlin Wolf

    There is a BIGGER picture here. She JUST filed for divorce from her Billionaire husband Mayo Shattuck III, then all of a sudden 1 month shocking accusations come out like this? Neither Behavioral patterns being reported fit with a 15 year old boy or Molly S. They are reporting this "information" as fact with no solid evidence to back up the reporting. Molly didn't do this, her estranged billionaire husband is trying to frame her!!This isa scriptevery media outlet keeps repeating using the EXACT SAME WORDS.Things are usually not as they are reported in the media:(

  • Bux7777

    yaaa Im sure that 15 yr old "boy" is all tore up about it lol …. dam … why couldnt I have a cheerleader rape me … now im jealous

  • Tiff Robertson

    This is quite possibly THE most irresponsible use of B-roll that I have ever seen. Would anyone be willing to intersperse video of a male perp gyrating during discussion of the case if the victim were female? I think not.

  • Scientific Proofs

    This temporary dwelling given to us by our Creator has its own laws, and if we do not follow our land Lord’s rules the consequences would be ugly. And no one can escape from the Almighty Creator. That is how we bring these embarrassments, accidents, sicknesses, tornados, floods, fires, and so on upon ourselves. Nothing happens to you if you follow the Almighty’s law. Find the untouched message of God and protect yourself, and your love ones.