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  • Thespectre82

    its stunning seeing stories like this for a murderer. how come you dont see these kinds of stories for black murderers?

  • DjSweet Lou

    He's such a good artist. I would not be surprised if he camouflage himself in one of his paintings!…I have an idea on how to capture him. Fake an art show near the prison. I'm sure him being an artist he would love to see the paintings! And bang back in custody! Lol J/k…

  • toodlum48

    We, as humans, all have good/bad traits. It is something that is inherent in us all. I have always sized those I've known up as to how they handle their good versus their bad, such as 80/20 good/bad or maybe 20/80 good/bad with the latter obviously being a terrible human being. But we all have one thing that determines what type of person we become and it is the choices we make, what side we choose to walk on. Matt obviously made his choice long ago…for whatever reasons. My oldest brother was a person that walked a very similar path as Matt and he, too, was an excellent artist. He drew things with 3-D effect, like a flower that looked as if you could pick it right off the page. It was an amazing thing, for me, because I never knew he had such an awesome talent until his last stint in prison and he sent my Mom a lot of his artwork. He, like Matt, spent most of his life behind bars. He passed away many years ago in prison. I do wish his life had been successful instead of one that he chose to waste. It was his choice and he made it, but I do wonder if he ever regretted it. I'll never know!

  • Holly Hobbie

    Aileen Wuornos was also an excellent drawyer. Jodi Arias isn't bad herself as well. I am starting wondering if there is a connection between the two

  • Let It GoPRO

    If Matt gets away with this and is never found. This will be in history books and his paintings will be worth over millions of dollars. He just made his friend a multi-millionaire.