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  • Trevschan2

    @GameofThrones Let me know what you guys think of our first Theory on what will happen next in Game of Thrones Season 6!

  • Marcel Wadley

    If they completely kill off Jon Snow, it will make no sense whatsoever. To kill off his character throws away so much great potential for the story line and essentially leaves us hanging. Jon Snow was the last and strongest hope for the defense against the white walkers. As it stands, we already had a lack of good protagonists to root for, so without Snow it creates an even greater and unfavorable disparity between good and evil. There had better be some sort of twist in the plot to bring Jon back or I will legitimately be pissed for the duration of Game of Thrones.

  • thatevilchicken

    yo trev title is really confusing me since I'm fairly sure jon snow is dead, but am excited to watch after ep 10 review

  • missioncodez

    Jon may come back, but I fear it won't be the same Jon Snow! I know it's petty, but I feel like dropping the show if the Jon Snow we know and love is truly dead! : (

  • Broken Windows Are Worse Than Spines?

    wht a fuckng lame death scene. if he is dead for sure ill stop watching this useless unending George R.R MArtin bullshit.

  • Lord Stark

    I know this is Game of thrones and people really believe that Jon won't come back……..But let's be serious, Jon Snow and Mother of Dragons are the fact of the future, there is no way this death is going to stand, Jon will be revived and since he was betrayed he can now leave the nights watch with the Wilding and take over Winterfell and revive the name of house Stark

  • Tomas Wilson

    I think the one thing that the show has shown is that blood magic does crazy shit. In season 1, it caused 3 dragons to be born. And in season 2 or 3, blood magic was used to kill 2/3 kings that were going against stannis.

    The thing about the most recent use of blood magic – shireens death – is that nothing CRAZY happened.

    Is the weather getting warmer really the reward for burning a girl alive?

    I doubt it… I think/hope that the reward for using blood magic this time is going to be allowing Melisandra to bring Jon back alive. His story seems WAY to important to the end game of the series to just kill him off.

    (I really hope my prediction is correct, I can't handle Jon actually being dead)

  • Dan Zalisnock

    I disagree totally but respectfully. In the books it is implied that Jon warged into ghost right before his death. It is also implied Melisande starts to expect maybe Stannis isn't the savior and take an interest in Jon. Also, you have the fact that Jon still has to fulfil a lot if prophetic dreams he had in the books and R+L=J has been way too built up to just say oh well Jon is dead and his story is done. George RR Martin also answered the question of why he killed Jon Snow and his reply was something along the lines of "oh, so you think he is dead do you?" Which gives more weight to the possibility. Now, with that said, even with the show starting to branch off from the main text and do their own thing more and more, if Jon doesn't die in the books, he is not going to die in the show as he is WAYYYY to important of a character. Also, through whose perspective will we follow the story at the wall now? And the wall certainly isn't leaving the story as a super important role and Sam is gone so I really done see what characters viewers would want to follow at the wall as a focal point character. You also had the huge buildup of Sam and Jon learning what weapons to kill them with (Valerian steel and dragon glass) and Jon's overall development as a leader. Then in episode 8 there was the stare down at Hardhome between Jon and the main white walker. Jon has been a leader and orchestrated so much of the story up north that after all the buildup with his character, to trash him and go on without him for any more than one book or one season before he gets revived (by either bran and bloodraven or Melisandre) would be story suicide. Trust me the chances are probably closer to 80% that he lives. If Qyburn making a franken-mountain can happen or a guy can network weir wood trees through his tree he is grown into, then a revival shouldn't be a stretch. Maybe they will go with a LORD stone heart direction, or even end up with the white walkers somehow (though I doubt both) but I say he is not done.

  • Hayden Henson

    GRRM has practically told the fans that, and I quote "nothing is gospel in a song of ice and fire" and "death certainly isn't always permanent" when asked about Jon Snow. So he will be alive in the books. I'd say there's a 3% chance he won't be. In the show, I don't know. I say the odds of him being brought back are higher than trevs. I say 60% chance he's alive. Plus, the red lady isn't the only one who could bring him back. He could have warged into Ghost before he died, thus keeping his soul alive.

    Plus, keep in mind that the state of each Stark characters dire wolf generally represents where that character is in their life. Grey Wind being dead, Summer being wounded, Lady being dead (which I think represents Sansa's innocence more so than her character actually being alive or dead) and Nymaria being gone, possibly leading her own pack of dire wolves. So until Ghost is for sure dead, I think Jon Snow will be back. And that's my two cents!

  • mistressofnyte69

    +Trevschan2I want to see Melisandre bring Jon Snow back to life. Then I want to see Jon Snow take Melisandre and Daavos as his companions/advisors. I want to see Jon Snow then talk to Tormund Giantsbane to rally the Free Folk. Then I want to see them all slaughter the Night's Watch brothers and burn the fucking place to the ground! Then Jon Snow and the Free Folk can march to Winterfell and take the castle back! WINTER IS COMING! And Jon Snow is coming with it :)

  • DrakenGuardz

    The whole possibility of him warging into Ghost (like how they hinted in the books), I feel, won't happen. If they wanted to do that, they would've alluded to it more. I agree with you Trev that Melisandre does stand our best chance of him coming back, but it is pretty slim.

    Also this is a little off topic but a lot of people seem to think Sansa and Theon died as well, which I don't think is the case at all.

  • IamZani

    It would be really really weird if jon would die, just from a story perspective. There seems to be too much left of a story to tell about the character. I think melissandre will def bring him back, she saw much greatness in Jon Snow and he will be her new king/pawn she will use to defeat the darkness. Plus the king of whitewalkers saw Jon Snow beat one of his own, challenging/taunting him for their next battle. I think they will meet again. Jon Snow dying at this point in the story just doesnt make sense for me storywise. Then again it is GoT…

  • TheYouthHeroic

    "Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death." When Jon comes back, that means he immediately has his freedom (should he choose to take it).

  • Candice Smith

    I read somewhere earlier that when they go to burn his body he will rise because he's half Targarayn and he won't burn. Then I heard about the red witch bringing him back to life. Then I read about a white walker theory. Either way I really hope he comes back at something.. It would be a disservice to his fans to completely nix this character out. I have read a few interviews tonight on him and he said hes done, he wont be back and his character wont either. :(