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  • Tomacity(Rast)

    Now the real question we should be asking, "Should the government have been involved in regulating marriage in the first place?". If we have to beg and convince someone to give us our freedoms, then we aren't really free in the first place.

  • Simon S, Purveyor of truth & reason

    Fantastic news from America.

    I hope that our crazy nation can catch up. We actually led the way on this, but then our current PM challenged gay marriage rights through the Supreme Court because of his shitty religious views… which caused the annulment of his own sisters marriage (she is a lesbian…)

    Abbott is a cunt.

    Congratulations, America. Keep "persecuting" those Christians

  • Juuso Peltoniemi

    I hope from now I don't have to read about gays every time I go to American news site.

    But what are the progressives/liberals going to do from now on?

  • Skeleton Archer

    Gays are a tiny minority, and the ones that want to get married are so few, they barely even exist. Why does anyone (pro or anti) even give a fuck?

  • ItsPooly

    Can't wait to see the crazy Christians get butthurt over this. It's no surprise they cherry pick from the constitution they have been doing that to the bible for years!

  • Slurpon Muhdick

    I'm not a big fan of all the faggot bullshit, but as long as they don't rub it in my face I don't give a shit what they do on their own free time.

  • Creepy Logan

    Yeah I've been hearing sodomy this unconstitutional that.
    First off. I would consider myself constitutionally conservative. In the constitution it says we are entitled to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Seems to me that it would be unconstitutional to not allow same-sex marriage.
    Secondly. All these types who can't keep sodomy off the mind. Really need to question thier own sexuality.

  • alexandra greubel

    ♡. Everything always works for the best in the end. After everything has been said and done. I always have faith in that no matter what.