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  • yootoob1958

    I can't stand Mike Huckabee's sanctimonious attitude! Where is his humility?
    Regarding his comments about same-sex marriage: It is none of his business what others do with their lives. It would be best for him to focus only on his own marriage. Period!

  • Aaron Ensign

    I think the hardcore religious aspect of many of these candidates alienates the independents, many of which are not religious, and will make defeating democrats very very difficult.

  • psmitty840

    "This [bible] version is the only version that hasn't been rewritten" LMFAO! Of course it's been rewritten asshat… 100s of times. That's why there are so many different christian cults operating today… each convinced they are the ones who got it right.

  • Jonathan Livingston

    Mike & Janet Huckawhore are both emotionally, psychologically and sexually damaged. They both have eatingproblems which are really just symptoms of their sociopathic personality disorders. Not fit to be a leader of any organization. Maybe Janet could be the First Whore, but that's about it.

  • Luis Lomeli

    Mr. Huckabee: Would you invade Iran? Are you with George W. Bush who was responsible for over 1 million deaths in Iraq? Is God only Christian or is it only
    Jesus Incorporated? I am all: Catholic, Lutheran, Jewish, muslim, etc. God is ONE.

  • Keith Hoyt

    Would these religious bobble heads STOP stating we are a nation founded by religion! Apparently, none of them are reading the 1st amendment of our Constitution. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
    religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; -Seems clear to me. Our government founders couldn't be more clear. NO LAW RESPECTING AN ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION!! You're free to believe in anything you desire, as an individual. You don't get the right to tell me to believe or anyone else what to believe!