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  • Monkeyninjaghost

    What is annoying about this debate, is the fact that there seems to be some implicit agreement, to pretend that it is question between reasonable reforms and incompetence. Greece have already implemented massive austerity reforms, but the debt in question, have only grown, while Greece' economy have gone into continuous recession. All of which is unlikely to ever lead to a repayment of debt. To continue on this path will only lead to undermining the current government, and possible the victory of fascist totalitarianism. The troika insist on branding Syriza as incompetent, but when it comes to corruption, undoubtedly the main problem of Greece, no government have ever taken this issue as seriously as Syriza. Problem is the main culprits always have the option to move assets out of the country, something Greece on its own have no real way of dealing with, it would need the help of the European Union, but it has shown itself so far to be incompetent in dealing with this issue. A huge problem for continuous European unity. Syriza have done as much as it is capable of within the economic restriction of the Troika, and any progress will likely be lost if Greece defaults, or undermined by relenting to the will of the Troika. This isn't about lazy Greeks and productive Germans, but the failure of Neoliberal doctrine and and its agents inability to accept it.

    For the sake of democracy and European unity, it is time to listen to the voice of reason: http://inthesetimes.com/article/18020/joseph-stiglitz-thomas-piketty-greece-syriza-austerity

  • GrK33

    Syriza you idiots, sign up to a deal with the EU before you send our country back to the 1950s with Turkey and Albania.. Instead of having a growth of +2.5%, we now have growth of -0.5%!! Also, please dont bring Anastasia at another interview, she is highly biased as she works for Syriza – next time use someone neutral..

    Off-topic, well done Aljazeera on having three women as journalists – very refreshing!

  • vonkruel

    I hear a lot of people saying Greece is a whole nation full of lazy good-for-nothings. I don't accept this "analysis". The real problem: neoliberalism is failing on a global scale, and it obviously can't take us into any kind of decent future. Today we're talking about Greece, but the disease will move & spread around, gradually worsening over time. Putting the squeeze to a whole nation of people is a terrible substitute for the real problem-solving that's required now. The most utopian idea of all is to continue on within the existing framework.

  • Richard Shorten

    Richard Shorten 1 second ago
    Fiat currencies are NON existent! Except to the central bankers cartel and governments who are manipulated by them and who profit through the fractional reserve system. The crime has been to transfer private debt to the public debt (Eurozone Taxpayer) and NOW to enforce repayment by threatening. Debt forgiveness and start over from zero is the solution. The actual people on either side of this issue would not be hurt BUT the Shylocks in between will be shown for the charleton they are!

  • Richard Shorten

    Fiat currencies are NON existent! Except to the central bankers cartel and governments who are manipulated by them and who profit through the fractional reserve system. The crime has been to transfer private debt to the public debt (Eurozone Taxpayer) and NOW to enforce repayment by threatening. Debt forgiveness and start over from zero is the solution. The actual people on either side of this issue would not be hurt BUT the Shylocks in between will be shown for the charleton they are!

  • greeko25

    The greek journalist is too partisan and just keeps on repeating party slogans about" the people"…how about some intelligent arguments for a change?

  • alfonso ramirez

    All debts are made up to control people and start wars. People believe the media but dont know tha they are pupples and are told what to say. Just go with the corrent and enjoy poverty and persecution.

  • ShayneKay

    If Greece collapses and brings down the other Southern European countries that are on the cliff, it could cause an entire European revolution into a new united political system.

  • Sancho

    Let greece default and kick them out of the EU. Let them become slaves to russia and we'll use turkey to keep them in check.

  • Anon Wibble

    Well Greece is blatantly bankrupt. Eurozone wants Greece to continue pretending to be solvent to assist in the eurozone recovery propaganda. Also they expect the future Greek generations to work for very little money and pensions and infrastructure.

    Greece on the other hand aren't that stupid, they want to borrow as much money as they can before they default, and this Greek politician has decided not to accept the bribes to sell his own kinsmen down the drain.

  • Be_My_Guest

    Loan me some money …. so i can pay you back with that money:)
    Don't worrie in the future everything will be fine and we pay you back:)………….
    trust me……………….:)