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  • Anti_Immigration

    Just how many of these Islamist headcases are arriving in migrant boats from north Africa. If we think that all of these so called 'migrants' are just looking for a better life then Europe is being very naive. It won't be long before major attacks will be carried out on European soil organised by these gangs of ingrates. Europe really does need to get a grip.
    To all European leaders: don't you understand that the more boats successfully accomplish their "mission" the more boats will set sail the next day? We have to discourage this phenomenon (the cause), not fight the effects only.

  • Geroy Konev

    The results of exporting the ''American Democracy' and the U.S their peacekeeping missions are like that the terrorism increase ,the countries of Middle East and Africa are economical ruins ,in all occupied and rob by the U.S countries are civil wars and hunger, the U.S spread only death and suffer!!!

  • Dron K

    I don't want to have anything to do with Islam anymore. Religion of peace my ass. I don't want to pay taxes for their welfare, I don't want to share the road with them (they can't drive worth shit), I don't want my kids to go to school with them, I don't want to breathe the same air as them…. call me a racist I don't care anymore.

  • Here_We_Go_Again!

    May they R.I.P. Many condolences to the victims' families, friends and associates.
    I hope that the wounded recover quickly.

  • Bezz80

    More American or Israeli special ops, to keep the Muslim "war on terror" propaganda going, got to over shadowed by the white racist propaganda in America this week, need to get their airtime back up and the dollars flowing.

  • Nuno Pestana

    I'm sorry for the victims and for Tunisia, since it was the only country where the Arab Spring actually worked.