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  • Shameless Maya

    Happy 4th of July! Happy Independence Day! Happy Canada Day! I’ve been away filming for 3 weeks but you wouldn’t know it because I filmed a ton of videos before hand. Filmed and got this up in 1 day during my quick trip to Phoenix, Arizona! Once I get back I'll have a vlog of my time away along with a bunch of fun videos! Enjoy your weekend Amurica!

  • Lauren Bastert

    When I told my friends and family that I fell in love with man from India., my town is mostly white., and everyone I knew married from the same town, and I moved to Nashville, TN to be with him., leaving behind my comfort zone and sleepy little town that I love. Got a job out here and now planning my wedding., so blessed by this life that I have.,

  • Cynfinite

    I learned about my freedom and independence when I learned, from smart and eccentric Black women, about the self hate this country has inflicted on me, as a Black woman, so they can profit from it. I learned to love EVERYTHING about being both Black and a woman, while learning my calling: to use my talents to create and tell the stories of many Black girls who do not get the chance to speak their truth because stereotype blinds the minds of many and keeps their ability to be open minded shackled down by privilege. And being here in the U.S., even though this country is far from perfect, allows me to create books and films and podcasts and essays about those issues, and hand deliver them to Black girls everywhere.

  • Naomi Chanel Laing

    Freedom for me is when I can sit infront of my camera and film my beauty videos. And be 100% myself! I love it when I can just be myself! Great video once again Maya ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • Kheartz

    When I completed the ib program at my school, and used the skills I learned to finally be an independent thinker. To not accept or follow what other people tell me.

  • Aeletin'a EiZnekcm

    This is hellaaa random, but…

    Maya, I love all the content coming from your channel! Your creativity when it comes to producing content is outstanding and unlike any other. I thoroughly enjoy how diversified and creative your video topics are, because unlike countless other channels here on YouTube (no shade), you are not restricted to any boundaries of expression. It's satisfying to know that you are able to fully express yourself and deliver content that you feel comfortable with, while at the same time, having an audience that understands and happily accepts all that you throw their way. Maya, you are the epitome of what a being an amazing role model is, and everything you do is the epitome of being shameless. Your channel's name, "Shameless Maya," could not be anymore fitting. I'm happy to have witnessed your growth throughout these past several months, and I'm excited to witness all that you'll achieve in the future. Thank you Maya! :):)

  • sean sims

    Fuck that shit. – freedom is money. I slave like a dog just to make it by. I'm hoping to get with the railroad co. so i can pay my bills every month. That's freedom.

  • shaylajacquelyn

    Freedom was letting go of a family that was making my whole life toxic, I'm still recovering from it but ultimately and sort of sadly it was the best decision in my life. And graduating from high school and into the real world I do much better where there is a variety of people. High school was also kind of toxic for me but I Have high hopes for college.

  • Kee Kee

    Freedom for me was purchasing and riding my 1st motorcycle safely cross many states, I so enjoy your postive energy, stay bless Maya, Happy Independence Day!

  • punchin29

    Mine would definitely be making my own money at my first real job and saving up my checks and tips and after two months on hard work , I bought my first car with my own money. The title, the insurance, the everything, was mine and knowing that I sacrificed not spending my money to get my car, is more than I could ever imagined!