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  • Mike Jone

    GO TRUMP!! YES! AMERICA NEEDS YOU!!! I CAN SEE THE TITLE! picture this! TRUMP OF AMERICA. we will be the richest country in the our solar system.

  • Sean Dupree

    Trump would be our best choice ,he is not a puppet like the last presidential people.I know he want be a pussy like obama.he is our best option.if you dont agree.please explain.I do not care if he a asshole.our president needs to be strong and a ass hole

  • MALayhee700

    NO ONE IS GOING TO DO ANYTHING. You people have been fucked every 4 years. Just accept that an election will do 0%. All these pricks care about is resource management and cash. It's not about your interest.

  • awesomechino12

    I cracked up so hard while watching the entire speech, 45 mins or pure comedy gold. It's kinda funny how he says that Mexicans are criminals and rapists as well as drug dealers I don't think he actually knows what he's talking about. Saudi Arabia needs America? For what? I like how he says that once he's president all jobs will be brought back to the US he talks like its gonna be a piece of cake. All I heard was "blah blah I have money, blah blah blah we have to take Middle Eastern oil, blah blah blah we need to take everyone's resources." I think this is joke like seriously it's time for people here in the US to wake up and smell the coffee, if he does get into office he'll be jst like the rest, outsourcing jobs, and send us into deeper decline. We need drastic change and we need it now We've become to dependent on our president and government, asking them for answers but refusing to see that government is controlled by big business(like his).

  • Crystal Cota

    How many times did he file for Bankruptcy? I don't want to vote for someone who has cheated the taxpayers out of millions. He doesn't need anyone's money because he already took our money! Ask him how many times he has cheated on his taxes? Go ahead vote for him but ……..

  • YuGiOhDuelChannel

    "The greatest Job's President God ever created" I say give him a chance to prove this, our country is already at the bottom, if he doesn't deliver then we are already losing, and if he does deliver we are all happy.

  • Cole Kornell (Kornelukfilm)

    Trump is exactly what we need. No more politicians. He says it like it is. Sorry he's not politically right. That's awesome because he is tough, accomplished, and says it like it is.

  • Christian Gallegos

    Such lovely music for this asshole who'd most likely make us a corporate police state.
    It fits his insanity perfectly.

  • Rick Slade

    1. Money
    2. Power
    3. Hot women

    Donald trump has all 3 while you people are going home to your fat ugly wives and working your meaningless jobs for garbage money. Do you honestly think that a billionaire with the money the power and the women he has cares what a bunch of broke jealous liberal losers think about him

  • onlythewise1

    Donald trump and ran paul best for America . will be the good o days again instead of letting Mexico destroy America he will stop them

  • Ryan_Greenwalt

    Why not hire a greedy, self centered narcasistic free market capitalist building tycoon with the worlds worst comb-over? I mean hell, at least he likes Our country. We re-elected a closet homo muslim married to a transvestite who is hell bent on destroying Our soveirgnty. All you Trump haters need to take step back and think about what this country needs right now. I mean think about it: a man that cannot be bought off, does not put up with crap and likes jobs. Oh, maybe the Trump haters are scared because they are the system leaches and welfare queens dragging the ones who do work to the bottom. Just remember, the forebearers of this country made it explicit that anyone has the right to be president. You dont like the way things are going? Get up and do something about it!


    New York Daily makes fun of the person that probably supplies a 3rd of your jobs… Real smart! Dumbasses

  • Mark Kreiner

    wow…. hatchet job. Watch the full speech. Super exciting to see an actual leader running. Can't say he'll be perfect, but at least he won't be an embarrassment.