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  • Mark Dice

    Big freaking deal if Hulk Hogan used a "bad word" to describe his daughter's scumbag wanna be thug boyfriend. He shouldn't apologize. I'm sure no black people have ever uttered a racist statement about whites in the privacy of a friends home, right?


    just as racial tensions cool down then the media starts a race war. It is called divide and conquer its the government behind this wake up everyone they want whites and blacks to fight so we cannot unify against the governments plans to enslave everyone …dont be distracted by this bullshit theres bigger problems and issues at hand …look whats going on in texas right now …who gives a fuck what hulk hogan says or thinks …right now the military is invading their own country and you idiots are worried about who said the n word …its pathetic

  • 18plusful

    The frikkin' libtard media tells every white girl these days to date "cool", black thugs, just so they can prove that they are so hip and cool, and especially "not racist". All this while white people are dying out all around the world due to third world mass-immergration. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

  • SubliminalOrigami

    Well as long as they start sacking black celebrities who have used the word 'cracker'.
    Or is this another Liberal double-standards racial-slur thing?
    I mean 'cracker' isn't even a term of endearment… it just means 'Bossy'.
    We should ban that too.
    Let's ban all words and use emojis.

  • SuperJakey92

    This is sick. WWE has fired him from his job. I'm so sick of this politically correct society. You can't even say something in the privacy of your own home. I will not support the WWE in any way shape or form now. (WWE has been going downhill for years anyways.)

  • mbm13213

    Thank you.
    it's about time somebody has the cajones to speak the total truth.
    I think you're the sh*t. no homo..
    Hey man, with God on your side who can stand against you?
