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  • Vokes

    Anderson just doesn't understand that she was BRAINWASHED it's not her fault she honestly thought she was doing good.

  • Jay C

    Oh gurl I might going to hell because I like man salamis.
    Hell is gonna be my disneyland. Tons of hot gay guys will going there.
    I would enjoy that very much.

  • Mary Elliott

    They are NOT the church! The Lord would NEVER EVER do anything like this. God is not evil, these people are pure evil and they are given so much publicity bc satan is the god of this world. It's super sad that this group of people claim God bc they don't know Him at all!

  • Marco Leduc

    Fuck religion, it has always caused problems and always will. Why can't people just live their lives without complicating them with a fucking belief system.

  • KevZen2000

    Westboro Baptist Church even funnier, because wussies get offended by their nonsense. This is one reason why I support them. Also, they help make more atheist, that I ever could. Keep up the good work Westboro Baptist Church.

  • Derpy Wolf

    Dear Reader,

    Looking in the comments, you will see that there are extremists of every background and belief; Christian, Atheist, Muslim, Black, White, Asian, male, female, gay, straight, or any combo. As long as you're a kind, loving and joyous person, good for you but if you're a dick, you're a dick, it doesn't matter what you are.

    That one white male atheist

  • mechking4511

    It's things like this that really explains why my thought is, I don't hate the people, I hate their views, they can easily Stop what they're doing, and choose to live better lives, but they choose not to because they hold strongly to their twisted belief.
    With that said, I still stand by my thought that the only ones who are still going to be in the whole thing will be the adults who choose to believe what they say, and the children who are forced to live that life, but seeing this, even then, there's still a chance for the kids to get out, I think the adults will never change.

  • lindalds

    The best way to get rid of these people is to totally ignore them. Act as if they were not even there. The media gives them all sorts of exposure and that's what they want. Don't give it to them. They will crawl back into their hole and we'll never see them again.

  • rajeseperi subramaniam

    My dear bro and sis in Christ,
    Shalom Alemeich to you all. If you any desire to get know Almighty God much more better, this is my little advise to you. First things what you need to do is accepting Yeshua as your messiah and worship Almighty God alone. Then ,you need throw away all your idol. Forget about all your tradition made by men like food offering to an idol or to the death,or to any pagan god, don’t take part in it at all,stay aside. Every action of yours must be supported by the bible alone. Keep the 10 commandment, follow Yeshua teachings, apply into your daily life. Read the words of God regularly because it’s the food for the soul. Ask God to shower you with Holy Spirit. Just like you have body, soul, and spirit .Almighty God in three ;God the Father, God the son, God the Holy Spirit. Every weakness that we have not only flesh weakness, but also been influenced by the wicked spirits. Therefore, learn how to bind the spirit. Keep fast and pray as doing penance to your sins. Pray morning ,afternoon and evening. More means you are better. Speaking of tongue always and ask God to interpret it for you in Yeshua name. Ask for the gift and the fruit of Holy Spirit in your life,be prayerful minded .Anyone who are in need ,you pray for them. Do a lot of good deeds, crucify your flesh by by rejecting every sins in your life with the help Yahweh Sabaoth. “The Lord is the strength of my life”. say it again n again. Keep Sabbath and the feast of the Lord. Do bible class and practises dance class or choir class or Church meeting on Sunday and set aside Saturday for God of Abraham alone.. Be ready to die for Yeshua and each one of us must accept him as our first love. We love God of Israel because of his pure love and fear of him. Obey the old testament and the new testament. Don’t just listen to people boldly about Jesus. you search for him ,and he will be there for you. God bless. He promised an eternal life for you. Those who don’t take seriously about God salvation I’m very sorry for you. You taught that you are right side, you can’t even talk with your master in heart but we believer in yeshua day and night he talk with us,sometimes early in the morning God put his songs in our mind a beautiful songs from heaven but those who did not accept him as their messiah,i’m very sorry for you. Choose whether you want the world and follow Lucifer, or you choose heaven and obedience to God of Israel.Your life you yourselves decide.Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon .Get ready

  • supererik man

    god bless you libby, hopefully you are enjoying your life outside that cult. At first I was kinda bitter and held what you did against you, but I see that you are truly sorry for what you did. I hope you can finally make up the first twenty something years of your life that were robbed from you

  • crcoghill

    so~~…from what i'm getting at, if i'm reading this right from the cough "all knowingWestboro Baptist Church God"…that even if your a good person, even if you tend to the needy, work your ass off for the poor or even fight for what you believe in!…you'll still go to hell because you love someone, even if it's the same sex. ……. yeah~ maybe a reason i left church, but i left long ago, but this is a Red flag on a red stand for me.

    now, i'm not gay. i'm Bi, but i'm more on the "i like girls more" side, but this is hurtful to alot of people. families, friends, neighbors, this effects everyone and seeing this much hate FROM A CHURCH!….i think we all know who's going to hell, and it isn't the 15 year old from the story.

    and honestly, i'm open-minded about a God or gods or whatever made us. i..just don't see proof yet.