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  • ChasingTruth TakingFlak

    Jerry Seinfeld is right, he was PROVED right by an article submitted by a college student in response to his commentary: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/anthony-berteaux/jerry-seinfeld-politcally-correct-college-student_b_7540878.html

    And he was COMPLETELY vindicated by Whoopie's reply, because unlike her HE IS FUNNY, and unlike what she was accusing him of, he ISN'T EVEN OFFENSIVE. The best part about all of these criticisms are that they all run down the same line: "If you can't be funny without being off-color, then maybe you shouldn't be a comedian". The thing is, he's RARELY off-color, he isn't saying what he's saying for his own immediate benefit, he's saying it for the benefit of comedy.

    I love how Cara prefers to say a whole load of conflicting things which make it impossible to pin-down her point, it proves she is speaking purely out of emotion, and knows she has no reasoning to back it up.

  • Don Quixote

    damn, how bad must it be if even Jerry Seinfeld can't say what he wants. He's one of the most benign comedians I've ever heard.


    How Ironic is this ending? Cenk is so offended by what Don Lemon said. He proves his point.

    Both side are overly sensitive. But because I am a left leaning moderate. And most of my family and friends are left leaning moderates. i have to take ownership when Leftists say and do stupid shit. And being a victim is like being a rock star. Christians might claim there is a war on Christmas. But they aren't then Going in front of congress. And talk as if "Happy holidays" is a physical knife assaulting them.

    Liberals need to shake off the glazed over look. And realize what Feminism and SJWs are doing to the left.

  • Drey K.

    Its not just comedians. Say one word against Jenner's transformation, and instantly you've been transformed into a right-wing conservative. Lemon is absolutely right. These PC leftists act the same way the religious right does. Cenk, your childish antics and inability to rebuke Lemon's assertion is only strengtheninghis perspective.

  • Sheogorath

    Funny how Don Lemon calls liberals and progressives easily offended and then Cenk explodes with anger at that comment, thus being easily offended. Just proving Don's point true, Cenk.

  • xinic5

    I have been saying for a while now that Cenk has become the Liberal Bill O'Reilly……I actually don't watch as much TYT because of how ridiculous he has gotten (and TYT in general)

  • dubtat

    Cenk gets offended at Don Lemon's comment about liberals getting offended and says "I got no interest in Don Lemon" in response to his comment about liberals not wanting to "hear anyone else's opinion but their own"… The irony goes right over Cenk's head.

  • NGHow Gh0st!ng_36

    So its sexist for Jerry to be opening minded and wanting his daughter to socialize with boys..wow. PC is eating itself and its sooo funny. Thanks TYT for being part of the problem. You don't want to be offended stay in your fucking hug box. :)

  • Seekarr

    Cenk is a flaming whiny hypocrite. On the entirety of the Internet and media in general, no one has shown more displays of taking offense than Cenk. Even in this video Cenk was taking a massive temper tantrum, offended by being called easily offended; the irony…

    Also, TYT is not at all liberal, they're more like left-winged extremists. Liberalism is about cultural acceptance; the goal of the philosophy is to allow every individual to thrive as much as they possibly can, no matter their race, gender, orientation, religion, or other cultural distinction. TYT spends a huge amount of time stereotyping and disparaging cultures that are different from theirs, they're just like Fox News with a different set of philosophies that they're fanatical about.