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  • RMHersey23

    Nice how you clipped it before he was CLEARLY gonna clarify. The erroneous info keeps piling up on this channel and I subbed a week ago.

  • Macanan1

    WTF !!!!!! he DID say Nuclear explosive devices are in New York….. Stock up on Friday everyone this is not sounding good at all.

  • ENAR K

    I agree He did correct the slip up but there was this creepy, dramatic pause between "……the nuclear explosive devices, in New York.(.pause..pause..)..uh…detection devices used they way they are…."
    Make no mistake, bottom line. You can't trust any of 'em!

  • Roll Damn tide 205

    Did this man really just say the nuclear explsives in New York??…. Warning of a false flag attack on the 4th people.

  • airplanemaster1

    "The nuclear explosive devises being used the way they are- eh, detection devices being used the way they are."
    "…Did you just say Nuclear?!"

    Well, this is how the world ends. Not by two countries nuking each other, but by one nuking itself, blaming someone else, and then nuking them.
    Insert Fallout 4 trailer here

  • deervalleys hope

    Everything IS Heating up at a rapid speed & there's No stopping it! Seek Jesus NOW, for He's Our Only HOPE! God bless~

  • skywriter1962

    Slip, Slip…Slip of the lip, if there is to be trouble, I look to the cee eye ayyy as the culprit's, no more alqada, they got a new name, plastered on the same old face! get your phones, and cameras ready! maybe we can catch them in closer action than we did back in sept.'11.

  • hell 0

    In other words Rep. Peter King is saying that the government has nuclear devices in New York City, and will detonated them to drag us into another war with Syria, Iran, the rest of the Middle East, and possible Russia/China/N.Korea/