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  • t4705mb6

    Sorry. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with a bologna "god". You do NOT need a "god" to be free. I've said this over and over and over and over.
    If you are brainwashed into believing that a ghost runs things, you are out of the loop of being free.
    If you believe in "gods" you have fallen under the steamroller of the control factor of the wealthy. Yes, the rich set up the world religions to keep YOU as a……SLAVE!
    If you want to be FREE……start thinking and feeling for YOURSELF!

  • Free Man Burt

    @t4705mb6 Sorry, you are noncomprehending the point here. First, I never mentioned Religion, 2nd if you do not believe their is an inner God in all of us which can bring us together, then the only thing that can bind us is the Law of Man. When my Son was born I knew there was a God, and every day I watch him and my little girl grow, I know there is a God, a God that lives in all of us, trying to guide us to do good, if you do not believe this, is OK, but your road may be difficult.

  • Free Man Burt

    @t4705mb6 Thank you, but remember this, if you and I both believe we must set ourselves free from the Corporations, is that not greater than our personal believe in the presence of an Almighty or not. We have more in common my Friend than than not, and that is what we must focus on or we'll be easily conquered. If the fruit from your tree is good, I care not what you believe in, Take care Burt

  • sharlenemusiclover

    Yes, but they assume that you are an "individual," which is defined in the code as a PERSON. Great vid. Thanks, Burt!