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  • zEcToR 45

    John Oliver is seriously the best on TV. I am sad that John Stewart is leaving, but with people like John Oliver, we'll be okay.

  • Dennis Chiu

    John Oliver I understand, but those children seem a bit young to be cursing on public television.

    Edit: Boy, have I received a lot of flak for this post.

  • America Washington

    Don't give them statehood, jut grant them the ability to make their own decisions without the consent of Congress. You know, like a city.

  • bubbaries

    For starters – quit calling them Washingtonians.
    Because DC is not Washington.

    It'd be nice if for once when I left the west coast and said I was from Washington when asked, that people understood I mean the actual fucking state, not DC.

  • anti0918

    He spends most of the segment complaining about how Congressmen treat DC residents like children, who shouldn't be allowed to control their budget or legalize marijuana. But then he complains when Congress tried to legalize semi-automatic gun ownership in DC – a right that most other states have.

    Then he has kids sing a song with the line, "let them have gun laws, let them have weed."

    Notice that gun bans are treated as a right like marijuana possession. So which is it – are they children or adults? o.O