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  • Steve Leslie

    scalia is the biggest hypocrite in the supreme court in many years. anybody who is an originalist is an idiot. by his ideology, we might as well be living in the 1700's

  • wiremessiah

    Bush v Gore is completely political, and showed how utterly political the supreme court is. They did not at all have to take cert in that case, and it was 5-4 on even taking the case. They should have left it to the florida courts. Just because something is extremely important does not mean the supreme court should have jurisdiction. The supreme court cannot elect a president, which is in effect what they did.

  • apope06

    "No way we could have turned down the decision…" Yes. You COULD HAVE TURNED DOWN BUSH V. GORE. The court has a history of not making political decisions and allowing other bodies of government to do that instead. it was a terrible decision.

  • Robert Woodman

    If you are interested in #law or in the U.S. Supreme Court, you might be interested in this conversation at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law, in March 2011, between Professor Calvin Massey and U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Interesting, informative, illuminating, and at times simply humorous, this 81 minute conversation is worth listening too. You may not agree with Justice Scalia's interpretation of the law and his originalist stance, but you can admire the tenacity of his convictions and the careful construction of his arguments to defend his position.

    One of the great quotes in the piece comes around 42 minutes when Justice Scalia is asked by Professor Massey what makes a great age. To this, Justice Scalia responds, "We will never be a distinguished age if we do not believe in excellence." He goes on to explain that if we are to make progress, we must believe that some things are good and other things are bad, and we must strive for what is good and avoid what is bad.

    Overall, though a bit long for a video, it's worth watching. I hope you will share it with those in your circles who have an interest in the law and the U.S. Constitution.

    #law #scotus #constitution


    Were guaranteed a Republic form of government to protect the rights of the people.[[[ this Constitution FOR [not OF] the United States of America ]]]
    Not a democracy to protect the majority. When do the majority EVER need Protected.

    Example: If you want milkNOT homogenized, meaning
    "Not boiled —–MILK-,,Milk must beboiledtill it hasNO antibodies or vitamins"
    ——Anyone distributingnot homogenized milk will go to jail.——-

    That is the law, that is DEMOCRECY.headed to COMMUNISIM.

    Ever notice whenever the public hate a law but the people in government are always telling us they know what is best for us.In 2008-9 PEACEFUL protesters getting their ass kicked, [GMO– food creates it own poison , Drug law more important than murder or rape, Milk law, Cure cancer go to jail, chemtrails because contrails evaporate in 10 minutes, Does any body think these newlaws [last 20 years]are really to protect the people or corporation. Why does the gov borrow money, They can print themselves?

    SAME AS LAWS LIKE : If you take the oil from POT toCURE CANCER you will go to JAIL.became illegal 1937, but in 1937 govt patens pot
    I dont smoke pot but if I had cancer who gave the govt the right to kill me or you??
    Don't believe that SEE "Forbidden Cure" on youtube

  • Chuck U. Farley II

    Antonin Scalia is a shank scar on the dangling penis of the human race. He is an oozing STD blister on the inside slope of a gluteal cleft; a genital herpe on the body of the human race.

    He masterbates to pictures of little boys dressed in choral robes and scourges himself to extract pleasure from his embrace of religious self-certainty. He's God's punishment of America.

    He's a clown; a bozo; a fool without wit. He is the whelp of a woman who entertained Portuguese merchant marines on a bare mattress in a closet in a Longshoreman's Hall. Her first word to his father was, "Next."

    I trust my views on him are clear.

  • Tate Lounsbery

    I agree with a lot of what Antonin Scalia says. Here's one comment he made I really like: "We will never be a distinguished age [i.e., era] if we do not believe in excellence." (at the 43:15 mark)

  • pqxxedf

    I wonder what Justice Scalia thinks about the fact that a police officer can enter someone else's home and tell the wife to shut up, but her own husband cannot tell her to shut up…

  • Sadat Mousa

    we have some Francisco Superior Court judges use the sheriff's deputy to inject people food with poison to cover up the corruption.
    how can we stop this type of corruption which is destroying the whole justice system and the state of California.

  • Wayne Manzo

    The Supreme jewish Court of the United jewish States! If you pass the bar this means you are a jewish lawyer and are willing to accept jew money in exchange for
    acting like a lawyer and taking fake cases. Hence, if the supreme court judges are
    lawyers__they are jew lawyers and must bow down to jewish law "Witch" is in
    opposition to American Constitutional law. The jews on the bench will always rule in favor of the jews and the jewish invasion of America. The jews are Telepathic, Mind Controlling, Collectives that enslave and destroy Human Gentiles. The Super jews,
    my definition, have stolen all the money via their bogus banking laws and scams and are allowed to legally steal all the money because they made and approved the banking laws. So, if you have a legal brain in your body you should be able to figure out that the jew lawyers that are Zionators and thier house stooges make laws that support the jews and the jewish invasion. But, what about the presidents of America? All jewish__and that is a no brainer! And the stupid Civil War was started
    by a jew lawyer, Lincoln, because there were too many poor white trash Human men in America and not enough jew jobs to keep them busy so he put guns in their hands and said kill each other while the negros laughed and laughed. So, you gonna believe American jewish history written by the jews so you can't figure out what the hell is going on or are you going to listen to a globally censored Human Gentile with a PhD in science who is trying to expose the Super jews and save American Constitutional values and humanity?

    And, let's examine the Italians shall we? These idiots embrace Catholicism Witch is based on jewish law and the Vatican is a jewish stronghold so the Italians are jews!
    And it is no wonder the Sicilians never did like the Italians because the Italians are

  • tartredarrow

    Why? Just because he thinks the text should be interpreted as written? Please. The term "activist judge" is a pejorative for a reason.

  • Robby Flores

    no, Scalia is the competent judge on the court right now. Maybe Thomas, but i like Scalia's take on stare decisis better than Thomas'

  • weworkforamerica

    @cyberpolice9000 Have you EVER looked at his decisions? C'mon, get real. Not the worst but a very bad one was given the 2000 election to BUSH by…one vote. Then there is the Second Amendment ruling and his failure to disclose and recuse himself from glaring conflicts of interest. He should be impeached and disbarred.