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  • Ellen C

    This kind of thing is honestly why I can't stand Pearl sometimes. I do like her as a character, but I dislike her intensely as well. She's both intensely selfish and selfless – and what she did wasn't okay.
    Garnet sees fusion as a relationship. She sees it as something beautiful, and clearly had to face a lot of discrimination in Homeworld. Facing a similar (not intentional but still hurtful) kind of thing on the planet she's free to be a fusion is terrible.
    I'm not okay with Pearl after this. I don't feel any sympathy for her at this point. I still enjoy her character, but she's just too immature, selfish, and misguided for me to personally like.
    That's just my opinion though!!! I know plenty of people like Pearl :)

  • Timothy Deligero

    Pearl really done fuck up this episode. It wasn't just the fact that she let Peridot have opportunities to send a message to Home world. It was one of the worst things she could've done. Hurt and piss of one of her teammates, Garnet. We all know from Keeping it Together that Garnet hates the idea of forced fusion or other gems thinking that fusion is just an opportunity to feel good or stronger. That to her wasn't fusion. And to see how Pearl treated fusion like that, it makes a lot of sense. While that was happening, Amethyst has the outsider pov where she both feels empathetic to Pearl while also trying to be on Garnet's good side. Amethyst was awesome during this episode while Pearl feels guilty of her own desires and Garnet feeling betrayed. And this is the first episode of Steven Bomb, damn.

  • Kittyshirt

    I love pearl very much, but she totally messed up in this episode. I really like how garnet didn't forgive pearl at the end and it's probably going to take time to earn that forgiveness.

  • Dtoons

    I was hoping the leak wouldnt be true but at least that means the next episode will feature 2 characters that people really like!

  • SailorFuzz

    Fuck yea Afro. I missed the first showing and you've uploaded it 15 mins before the premiere of the Gravity Falls. Fucking NAILED IT!