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  • Live Action

    We have released a new video today that documents the shocking findings of six years of investigation into abortion giant Planned Parenthood. Watch it, be educated, and pass it on!

  • Numbuh 5

    People should know that many of the videos are not what it seems, yes they are individuals that might cause more harm that it does help but most of this videos are seemed misleading.

  • Aimee Craig

    Wow I literally feel sick to my stomach after watching that and to know that this kinda stuff happens everyday and there's nothing being done about it makes me wanna burst into tears!

  • PMSM3x1burrit0

    This is sickening, why aren't children being kids? It seems like kids are just trying to grow up too quickly and it's disgusting. Especially seeing adults that aren't trying to help and guide them to just keep their innocence that we only get for a short amount of time. And saying that a fetus isn't a baby until birth?! If she was a doctor/nurse where the heck did she get her degree?!

  • Greg Blankenship

    Whoever works for,or supports planned parenthood,or abortion,will have to deal with our creator.Your no better than a murderer,,,you bunch of scum Freaks

  • Jsrry Kelly

    The Democratic Party = Americas largest hate group. This is what Hillary and Obama not only support, they encourage it. A black president supporting the mass killing of black babies. Is this what we've become? Very sad

  • YirmeyahuWeeps

    But you have to realize that what they really care about is the ($) women; ($) that's their primary motivation.
    Hope the mafia is taking notes.
    Excellent video; amazing that people actually support such a disgusting, immoral, vile organization.

  • Valid Point

    Abortion is the murder of the most innocent human beings – it's not a "reproductive choice." It astounds me that some people actually think abortion is okay!?!?

  • Bea

    Don't believe everything you see. This video is probably all staged. Do your research. Planned Parenthood is a great org and without it, we'll have more unplanned parenthood.

  • Rob Morris

    Planned Parenthood is worse than ANYTHING the Nazi's did – Planned Parenthood is monstrous, and so are its supporters

  • jarredhhodgesbrg

    All parenthood is planned. You KNOW that if you have sex, you take a chance of getting pregnant. This is planned. You should be willing to face consequences of your actions instead of killing children. Science has proven life begins at the moment of conception.

  • UnluckyGambler

    this video is stupid as hell. but i expect it to be, from pro-lifers. this is gona be censored, aint it? every comment was from 10 months ago. typical of people with weak arguments to want to silence dissent.

  • Aaron Reed

    Planned Parenthood. These people do nothing to help plan parenthood. They do everything to destroy it. They are engaged in the most evil activity on planet earth – the killing of babies. They need to be stopped right now!