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  • Tim Ward

    I'm not impressed by these folks or their lousy often ill-gotten wealth. There is no relationship between merit and money. None. Nice buildings, though.

  • salvattore69

    For all of you pussies who get paid per/hour. There is a lot of work that comes into analysing the markets and the right timing to buy or sell a financial instrument. All of you and I do mean ALL OF YOU would love tohave as much money as these people and perhaps even more money than them.
    Sure there are some people who break the rules but that goes in every industry. It takes a lot of talent to beat the odds and be profitable year after year. Peace…

  • Boogie Man

    What I want to know is where the fuck is the BASS in the voice of the two dudes commenting on this documentary???? I don't understand. Do you HAVE to like dudes in order to have style and an appreciation for tasteful shit???

  • 唐金元
