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  • Jennifer Ainscough

    I saw Dr. Auwaerter myself at Johns Hopkins several years ago for lyme disease. I was treated so poorly as a patient, I could not believe I had waited months to get in with this guy. He had his mind made up before I walked into his office. He quickly gave me the Western Blot test and while texting on his phone throughout our entire appointment and leaving the room to take phone calls, finally said, No, you don't have Lyme Disease, even though I had tested positive twice before. He never asked about my symptoms or health. He simply told me there is no lyme diagnosis while continuing to text on his phone and left the room. Most unprofessional doctor I have ever had to deal with, and I've had to deal with more than my share.

  • Ryan L

    I cried when watching this video. I had a lot of symptoms of lyme disease but never found it until I got cancer and my blood test came back positive for Lyme (strain p23). My Doctor (a Naturopathic Physician) said the cancer was easy to cure but not the lyme. I thought she was nuts. I used herbs (black salve) to cure the cancer (testicular) and then started on the lyme.

    2 months of heavy antibiotics and follow-up tests and the antibiotics proved useless. So Doc gave me a strict regiment of healthy foods, vitamins, intravenous vitamin C and potassium (I was really low on both) and about 15 herbs/supplements. And after a year I don't have any more of the symtoms of lyme disease. I was entering the chronic stage and still have great gaps in my memory (memory loss) during that time period, but at least now I can concentrate again. The numbness, tremors, muscle weakness, mental confusion, etc is all gone. Back when I had lyme, I couldn't even concentrate enough to read a page in a book. If I had to do it all over again, I'd follow Dr. Joel Wallach and Dr. Peter Glidden's recommendations on nutrition to get over it faster.

  • Linda Keilers

    Lyme Disease – Dr Phil: https://youtu.be/reqyYSAFb9I

    Can you imagine being terribly sick for 20+ years before finding out that you have Lyme disease? I can. I was. Can you imagine the humiliation of being told that long term LD does not exist. ..go see a psychiatrist? Can you imagine losing your appetite and suddenly gaining 100 pounds? Can you imagine living in a darkened room for ~10 years, confused and in constant, severe pain? Do you know what "9-11" means? I didn't.

    Please support the Lyme Challenge next month…take a bite out of a wedge of a lime and post a picture of you doing it. Then Challenge 5 friends to do it, too. Dr. Oz did it. So can you. May is Lyme Awareness month. Help us beat this miserable disease, now the worst epidemic in the US.

    Watch the award winning movie Under Our Skin to see what Lyme Disease can do, how devastating it can be for patients and their families. See http://www.lymenet.org for up to date information.
    Become informed and aware. Protect yourself and your family.

  • 2prevail

    “In the fullness of time, the mainstream handling of Chronic Lyme disease will be viewed as one of the most shameful episodes in the history of medicine because elements of academic medicine, elements of government and virtually the entire insurance industry have colluded to deny a disease.”
    - Dr. Kenneth Liegner

  • jän Franz

    Dr. Auwaerter, why would chronic or post lymes not exist when, another well-known spirochete (Syphilis) does? And yes, I am aware they are different spirochetes. The damage of years without treatment, doesn't not simply go away in toto with short term antibiotic therapy. Long term antibiotics cost insurance companies money. Additionally, look at how Lymes originated, that tells the story of opinions such as yours, and I will leave it at that.

  • Marie Rose

    My grand daughter went tru all that ..Emergency sent her home …VICTORIA GENERAL HOSPITAL >>come and visit this beautiful island …(*&&ALRIGHT

  • Olhamo

    another question: what about colloidal, or nano-silver? and of all the people who get 'bit', when only a small percentage develop, or 'admit' the lymes into their bodies, how does the terrain figure in? What can we learn and apply, about mineral depletion? If only minerally-depleted plants (from stripped-out soils) are prone to "pests"; and we know this is true, then doesn't it stand to reason that the people who develop this are also minerally-depleted? Surely heavy-duty anti-biotics are not the solution–though they might be a stop-gap measure. . . .the terrain needs be rebuilt. . .

  • jacob hansfield

    God that doctor who was against lime disease dodged the questions like fucking bullets i would never trust someone like that

  • Clarissa Brown

    Dr s told me that there absolutely nothing wrong with me now I'm stuck prisoner in my body for half my life wow WAY TO GO DR'S …WATCH VIDEO

  • wolfje92

    I've been tested 3 times which came out negative. But then they tell me bloodtest aren't that reliable. Then they tell me it's in my head i am healthy. And this week… they diagnosed me with epilepsy. I was surprised they even found something in these last 3 years of strange symptoms. It is something a guess… but still i amnot convinced it is not lyme…

  • Greg Smith

    I am now in position to sell my used RIFE MACHINE for HALF PRICE to someone from Lyme disease community!! If you dont know what it is do some research and maybe check out Rifing Lyme, RIFE LYME or Lyme Disease rifers FACEBOOK PAGES. Many seem to swear by it.

  • Carly Spitaleri

    Ive been suffering with this for 4 years and have nearly lost everything due to it. My doctors wouldnt help me or even acknowledge what was happening.

  • safier321

    That dr. Paul Auwaerter is a complete bullshitman!!!
    That other dr. in the audience who say's there is evidence the Lymespyrochete does presists after threating with antibiotics.
    Those men as dr. Paul Auwaerter should not be allowed to be judging about such serious illness!! He needs to go to jail for talking all this crap!!

  • Kerry Riemenschneider

    I have suffered for 10 yrs. Long term antibiotics do help. If drs take an oath to help people then why dont they educate themselves on this subject..and for heavens sake listen to your patients. When they say they feel better after taking antibiotics.. they really feel better… help them!

  • JadeMartinezLoves1D

    I found an article about Lyme disease where they say that Apple cider vinegar gives very good results.

  • Marie Rose

    why is it that in those videos there is always a cat or a dog….36% of animals have Lyme . Granddaughter was scratched by a cat and the other granddaughter had a dog who got sick …Sorry but this is how I feel about a pet that goes outside