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  • tochi marley

    Puta madre chicharito ¿Donde estas? México necesita delanteros porque volantes y centrocampistas tiene muchos.

  • MghUnit407

    I don't recell his name, but jersey number 9 from Mexico has incredible dribbling skills. He should definitely start in the next game if Mexico looks forward in beating Panama.

  • Elfen L

    Antes de que me salten a la yugular, tengo que aclarar esto: No era penal.

    Sin embargo, a pesar de lo anterior el resultado es justo. Costa Rica fue una caricatura de equipo durante muchos lapsos del partido. México a pesar de ser muy superior a los ticos durante la mayoría del encuentro, no termina de jugar bien: La delantera es una vergüenza, tanto Oribe como Vela al final terminaron haciendo más el ridículo que otra cosa; y en defensa, a Diego Reyes se le notó muchísimo la falta de ritmo.

    Reitero, resultado justo, y ahora veremos qué pasa entre E.U. y Jamaica, y México y Panamá en la siguiente ronda.

  • Bryan Gallardo

    No era penal pero si los 2 de tecatito corona. Juego merecido, y sin giovani, chicharito, hector moreno

  • Paolo Gatusso

    Mexico merecio, costa rica no, cuando quieres ser campeon de concacaf no puedes tirarte atras como lo hicieron los ticos, en fin fin saludos hermanos ticos suerte para la eliminatoria… el rey Mexico quiero la 10ma copa de concacaf!!!!

  • Dave Tovar

    Mexico vrs. USA. That's where it really counts, not those shoddy friendlies.
    Mexico plays when it really counts.

  • MuseDiOz

    NO ERA PENAL…. México JUGO MEJOR que Costa Rica y aun asi fallo sus oportunidades de Gol que tuvieron, Peralta fallo, Vela Fallo, Jonhatan es un TRONCO….. México pasa por un PENAL INVENTADO !

  • Viktor Alvarado

    I have to admit that was a shady call at the end. Pero así les a hido a la selección en esta Copa. De pura suerte.

    How long can it last for? Trucha!


    I'm Mexican and I could agree that it wasn't penalty. It's not Mexico's fault that the ref made a bad call (He made bad calls on both sides of the teams) and stop the stupid conspiracy talk that they let Mexico win to sell more tickets. If that was the case then Gold Cup would've been hosted at the west coast but they didn't since they felt Mexico would have a "Home Court Advantage". It is what it is just like when Robin dove for a penalty kick then you have the right to talk shit.

  • osufand

    wow no play of that shitty call by the ref for a pk. Concacaf so shady fixed the game so they could make more money from mexicans buying tickets. I think we need some more arrests at concacaf

  • Bob Dole

    Zero respect for Mexico. They did not deserve that win. That fucker intentionally dove. Watched the reply about 10 times. There was no contact. Sure they touched, but there's no way in hell that small bump would have resulted in that dumb ass flying like that. The ref is a moron for calling that a PK.

    You can say Mexico played better all you want, but at the end of the day, THEY DIDN'T SCORE ANY DAMN GOALS! Instead, they got a free PK when the game was pretty much over, securing their spot in the semi finals. Even though I want USA to beat Mexico in the final, I sure don't mind Panama kicking their pathetic ass.

    Nothing but cheers and respect for Costa Rica. They played a good, HONEST game. Even if they lost, we all know that Mexico didn't deserve that win. Costa Rica was robbed. #NoEraPenal #FuckMexico

  • Sebastian Sandoval

    Que no mamen los Mexicanos. Mexico jugo bien, pero no robes para ganar. Robale a los grandes como Holanda, España, no le robes a tu hermano Hispano. Adonde esta la humildad? No se dan cuenta que la #CONCACAF solo usan su bandera por generar dinero? No les molesta eso? Una gloria falsa que solo usan el nombre de mexico por ganar millones. Por favor hermanos Mexicanos, desen cuenta, abren los ojos, no dejen que prostituyen su bandera por gritar gol. El mercado los explota a morir. Saben cuanto hicieron en cerveza los gringos? Saben cuanto ganan? Y porque solo Mexico? Porque Mexico tiene 100 millones, mientras CR,El Salv, Honduras etc, solo 10 millones. #NOalacorupcion