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  • Jay Rocket

    Mexico was the lucky team to tie. That deep bomb should have been contested, plus the own goal from tt. T.T. looked like the better team even with the late tie

  • Liam Hogan

    bias commentating…trinidad scores and its bad defense by mexico, Guardado has one go in on the deflection and its magnificent?

  • Buddy Love

    Ridiculous behaviour by some of the Mexican fans, even worse is the when the bottles are thrown at the TT player, the commentators in the studio are so blase and marginal about it, what if it was the Trinidad and Tobago fans who were throwing the bottles instead? it would be a different reaction, no doubt. Well done Soca Warriors.

  • ryukdluffy

    As a Mexican, I am ashamed for their actions. Such horrible fans, but that is nothing new as they threw bottles at U.S. fans when the U.S. played in Mexico and won. It's a fucking disgrace and I hope they stop that bullshit already. I was glad when Trinindad scored with that corner.

  • Lt Kaiser

    I am Mexican and I am disgusted by how the fans were acting in the stands, please don't think every Mexican is like this because they aren't, they were only representing their selves, not Mexican fans as a whole. I apologize in behalf of them, and congratulations to T&T for putting up a good fight against Mexico and winning the group.

  • Matt Rhodes

    USA gonna win the Gold Cup. Although I'm scared to play Trinidad and Tobago. They seem fast strong and skilled, that's if we get to the final. But i believe

  • tehkoalainsurgency

    Mexico is truly the toilet seat of America. I'm Latino but that doesn't give me the Right to say it… being a human being gives me the Right to criticize anything and anyone.

  • Brian Jones

    Absolutely classless from the fans there at the end. Assuming they were Mexican fans (since they obviously weren't T&T fans), they deserved to be disappointed with the last minute tie.

  • Exile

    You fucking Anglos never know when to quit do you! I'm sorry apparently only Mexicans throw bottles on the field right. Shut the fuck up already you bitter white trash

  • GermanyFan01

    Btw, we've done that to England, they've done it to us. Serbia has done it to Croatia vice versa, look point is, everybody does it. The US just doesn't understand soccer and how it works.