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  • TheChillMexican

    @MuayThaiFighter2009 Milwaukee county population = 960,000
    Black population = 25.7% = 246,720
    Blacks unemployed = 53% = 130,761 unemployed blacks in Milwaukee.
    Now Im not saying illegal immigration is not a burden to the society, but just because you have citizenship does not mean you are not a burden either. Immigrants are just the next people that are going to get the finger pointed at them for everything. You need someone to blame so you blame the easiest their is.

  • blunty gagnon

    The 14th amendment was never meant to give illegal alien babies citizenship. Ann Coulter wrote an excellent piece explaining this "Justice Brennan's Footnote Gave Us Anchor Babies",

  • sharonanony

    @tkcomputerservice yeh, u need to be sorry, because all over the World, whites, are waking up to illegals, and people of color, telling them their privilege was a trick and a myth just to empower the globalist. Nothing wont shock me, see u are the one just waking up, and when the truth hits your ass, instead of some myths, based on wanting to stay white skin privileged. Remember Amendments, are connected to the Whole Constittution, so the 13, 14, 15th cannot be separated from the Bill of right

  • bunbun5877

    @sidecharge People who have children as American citizens can collect social services. Welfare, food stamps etc. The parents dont become citizens but they can collect our tax money on the child's behalf. That is the issue.

  • lvll138inrs

    children born in the united states who have illegal immigrants as parents should not be given citizenship or permanent resident status.

  • DownLowProductions

    love it how Cenk points out the false , diverting of the subject by the republican rep using the US debt. Too bad the Rep is skilled too and immediatly accuses Cenk of evading the subject{ by mentioning the top 3% "earners"} in pointing out the evasive tactics of the Rep.

    You guys following this? ^^

  • Fitzcard

    Why are they talking of the 14th when its the 16th thats the issue? Why are they talking about latino voters when its the 10% of mexico's citizens that live in the US, they are not voters.

  • danmarg83

    @TeaPartySympathizer Yes, but I'm sure you'll agree there's a difference between the smaller business owners who make decent money to live off of, and large corporations who hijack the government. The regulated should not have total say in the regulations that govern them. If these regulations are totally unfair, they would have a point to protest; but that is far far FAR from the truth of the matter.

  • TheShal

    @TeaPartySympathizer Yes, our countries are founded on very different principles. My country is founded on the notion of responsible government that's held accountable to the people. Your government is founded on making more money for the already rich.

    AGAIN, I point to Canada, where a regulated banking industry wasn't affected by the US's flop. We only went into a slight recession, which we're out of now, because your country did.

  • timeofreasonisnow

    Look at the thousands of soldiers that have paid with their lives and their health to fight bogus wars that have everything to do with profit, and little to do with security … How dare bush and cheney lie to patriots and put them into a war that was entirely unnecessary with iraq…. What can they say to the families of the hundreds of thousands of iraqi's who have died as a result of their policies ? Shame on you murdering treasonous BASTARDS !!!


    @METALGEARSOL1D haha thats just funny, i wonder what kind of standards they are using, how long it takes to get health care and the quality or how much it costs. ok and u listen to the world health organization….. do u know who that even is? i dont watch fox news. i watch CENk be a D BAG. its more entertaining than the news.

  • steveoboston

    I love how that guy turned the immigration issue into an economic issue, and when Cenk offered him a solution that didn't involve rewriting the constitution, he got all puffy about Cenk getting off topic.

    And WTF is "putting an apple before an orange"?!??! Is he using the same writer as Sarah Palin?