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  • Alex Ruiz

    It's a sad thing to see. It's really unfortunate that there's so many narrow minded people these days. His comments were very broad on immigrants and it seemed like he had generalized immigrants as a threat. True some are but most of the individuals come to this country to work and make a living. Of course if you've never been in the shoes of someone else you'll have no idea why people come to this country. I'm glad America is slowly moving in the right direction. Truly I am…still it bothers me that racism still exists. Grow up people. Listen to each other and know where people are coming from. At the end of the day theirs two sides to every story.

  • zztimemom mom

    I admit I am stuck in the past.. we loved our God, Country and our Freedom. We were taught different and we wanted our laws to be obeyed. We also made changes and learned to respect others and their property. Maybe you all just need to keep your Obama and God help you because you will get what you all deserve and paid for.