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  • Kirk Allen

    Obama Wins World Loses
    With striking quickness and relative ease, President Obama has delivered nuclear weapon capabilities to one of America’s, and the world’s, most unstable enemies.

    In 1953, American citizens Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for assisting the Soviet Union in obtaining the atomic bomb. Today, President Obama has paved the way for Iran, a terrorist nation whose stated goal is the destruction of both Israel and The United States, to continue toward nuclear weapons capabilities with no less catastrophic consequences as was the case with the Rosenberg’s.

    However, in 1953, a clearer thinking and politically incorrect United States understood the dangers of what the Rosenberg’s did and summarily executed the pair. In stark contrast, today Obama was celebrated by Democrats and Presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton as a hero of freedom.

  • Methos Films

    and it was CANADA that saved the 6 american cia agents. dont forget to say this shit. the Argo movie was a farce. we saved your men the american's didnt.

  • david peri

    Yaa…will see what happens if there is a backlash among US politicans…and see what happens if they go ahead years later when they decide to built the bomb and what US will do.

  • Numis Mm

    Naive. Naive. Naive. Stupid asses. Do they really think that a country like Iran who screams and has been screaming for decades death to America will all of a sudden listen to any cutbacks. They are laughing at us and saying.. look at those dummies we fooled them… those dumb Americans… and Obama.. he knows what he's doing … he's a wolf on sheep's clothing. Placed by the Arabs and Muslims to craft American policy against socialism and against everything we've stood for and built since 1776. Our founding fathers would be ashamed.

  • Tony K

    Tom Cotton is a joke. He even laughed at himself. Only reason he is opposing is because he has direct connections with the weapons manufactures and wants to make money going to war. His loser ass should be fired, he doesn't give fuck about america just his own pocket.

  • Tammy Sanford-Banks

    John Carey, you muppet. We can't sanction them further? Well, by all means then, let's go the other way. That is like grounding your teenager for a week, but when they screw up again, tell them they are only grounded for one hour a day.