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  • jon wheeler

    Some people (mostly Fox News) are more upset that Obama said the N word then the Confederate flag STILL being flown in 2015.

  • Ronin Dave

    Fox News – white folks pissed off at a black man using a word that their ancestors created to degrade a race of people they enslaved and later discriminated against rather than a flag being flown on state capitol grounds which had been created specifically to fight the US in order to maintain slavery and later dubiously flown again during the Civil Rights Movement. The surreal mindfuckery of it all.

  • AznPride

    Obama is black and is the President. He can say that word. Especially in a serious conversation like that interview he was doing about racism.

  • CoolKid “Incrediblestan” Kyle

    Never fails….got to some black folks to come on Fox News to say some stupid shit…classic fox news…..

  • Cooked Vegan Fitness

    Hopefully David Webb and Deneen run into another George Zimmerman or a racist ninja cop like in Texas, then they can tell us all about how racism is dead in America, if they live, fucking House Niggers.

  • Edgardo Peregrino

    I don't really care that he used the N-word, but I do care that he is a war criminal that hasn't been prosecuted alongside Bush and his cronies. He has no right to talk about racism since he is okay with killing people overseas and violating the constitutional rights of Americans via the war on drugs, the police state and the national security state.

  • erzan

    Black people on Fox News is the modern equivalent of the House slaves treating the field slaves like crap and supporting the structures of inequality and discrimination.