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  • CrucialConflict

    Escaped? The Mexican Government let him go lol He walked right through the main door.
    The Mexican Government is the biggest Mafia in Mexico, The cartels are the enforcers following orders.

  • damn bro

    Why can't these fucking stupid governments just execute all these criminals instead of giving them "170 plus years in prison" like wtf you guys are stupid as shit

  • MoreLaazR

    A Youtube Channel called LaazrGaming uploaded a video 1 month ago after not uploading for over half a year. the video was called "breaking news" in this video its a remake of el chapo guzman escaping prison in gta 5!…whats the chances?

  • betterdays when

    This is no surprise when almost everyone in the Mexican govt & police can be bought off for a few peso's. When are the good Mexican people going to say enough is enough. Take your country back from the slimy crooks & turn it from a shit hole into a paradise. If there are enough people with a backbone it could be done.

  • Sertarris

    this guys voice needs the british treatment. besides that, just kill the fuck goddman chapo, hes nothing but trouble.

  • Logic S

    Mexico government is a fucking joke, I still can't believe how the same motherfucker could escape 2 times. Obviously he bought the guards there and even the whole fucking useless government. It's sad but Mexico is now rotten, putrid and has became a terrible country. The corruption there is endless, like my history teacher says "Mexico will always be corrupt unless you kill or take out the whole government, because Mexico was built under corruption." Sad but true.

    I've seen in Facebook some Mexicans celebrating the escape of this drug lord and killer because they "admirer him" this means the problems there are also because of the ignorance of the civilians there, and that's when you start to think that maybe Trump was not wrong at all.