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  • kenneth lam

    R.I.P Paul, You're fans including I miss you very much.

    P.S. I have never seen so many emojis in a comment section

  • Holary Phal

    I didnt know who Paul Walker was…but my friend told me about him and i listended to the song…and saw things amazing about him. And now we have to say good bye to him already.. Tears……..

  • Jaya Kumar

    at 0:43 I cried madly. This is the first time that my tears actually went rolling down for minutes and yeah …….. I wish I could have known more about this amazing man.

    All my love and condolences go to him and his family. God Bless His Daughter.
    He has a daughter and a family behind him. I can imagine how unbearable it would be for his daughter not hearing his voice, not seeing his face, not having fun with him like the ice cream. Imagine if that happened to your family members. That would have changed everything. He was gone too soon. Rest in peace and you will always have a place in our hearts

    Ally, 11

  • catherinepcs

    Surely those girls aren't laughing?!! Where is the humanity?? That's about the cruelest thing I've ever seen, and I've a lot of cruel things in my long life!! Karma is a bigger bitch, so be prepared!!!!

  • Wendy Rodriguez

    paul walker was an amazing person he was my hero was the best in his movies Always he thought that this man was an example to follow one day in my dreams I would hollywud and hugged him that he was more than my friend was my hero and WE ARE ALWAYS IN THE HEARTS THAT GOD AND HIS FAMILY CARE ALL THAT PERSON loved him EMPAS DESCANCES PAUL WALKER. ATT WENDY age 10 I LOVE YOU AS MY FRIEND

  • The Maniacal Garchomp

    i wish Obama would sentence JB to death now more than ever, after evidence that he is taking Paul Walker's role in Fast and Furious 8, when i heard this info, i literally wanted to walk up to him, slash his throat out, right there. Everyone knows this guy is a trashed faggot who i, and every other person wants him dead, nobody can replace Paul, we are forever with you, living or dead