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  • Brian Oates

    I think if she really believes she is African-American, while being born of two white parents, and formerly being a pale skinned natural blond, she has identity problems based on a distorted reality she has created for herself. She needs to be evaluated for mental instability, her parents have claimed she has always had a problem with creating elaborate fantasies, distortions of reality she convinced herself are defendable. She needs to be guided out of the maze she created for herself, I hope she gets appropriate help before this spirals downward into hardcore depression. This is not related to transgender, she is white, race isn't male versus female, she can act differently than her negative stereotypes of her own race without "changing races" and building lies to support it.

  • Sarah Devall

    This is so weird.. I am biracial, but pretty much look white. I can understand not liking that people assume certain things about you because of your race, but this is just taking it toooo far! If her accomplishments and credits were enough to get her that NAACP position, she shouldn't have had to do blackface/hair/clothing to get it. It is weird to have a white person in charge of a chapter of the National Associated for the Advancement of Colored People though… Its all just too weird!

  • samanthadavis15

    Oh my word… The fact that you guys can't pronounce my hometown correctly really breaks my heart. SPOKANE ("SPO-CAN") FOR LIFE

  • peekabooicancu

    My instant reaction, as someone who has dark skin, is eh. Whatever. but like to another extent I'm like yeah this probably isnt okay.
    I just think it's totally unnecessary for her to do this. Like why.

  • Shiki LeBroche

    This is hilarious, mind blowing and so bugling I can barely stand it O-o xD hi am asian… today…!!…??!

  • Jenny Josleyn

    The biggest thing that should be taken away from Rachel is that she basically trolled a lot of people and got away with it for years. She could have told the truth and not lied about her background, as the NAACP has gone on record and said that they welcome individuals who are white. Instead she did use blackface, pose on her FB page stating that she was going back to her natural hair on her 36th birthday, faked a family, and faked a hate crime. Some articles suggested that it stemmed from the adoption of her brothers when she was younger so it could be a psychological means to fit in; however going about it the way she did is deplorable and crazy.

  • FridayKetchup

    Hmm. I don't understand. Does not compute.
    Do her actions matter more?
    Has she managed to achieve anything in her time in the position?
    Is there a mandate excluding anyone because of their heritage, or lack there of?

    "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." ~Martin Luther King Jnr.

    Guys can be feminists, why can't a white woman stand up for racial inequality?

  • Payton RichardsonPaytonR

    I don't think it's very fair to her! Why is it ok for people to be transgender but this lady can't be Black! If she feels like shes black then she can be black! If transgender's want to be a different gender they can!