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  • Demian Haki

    People can bitch about him as much as they want. I have a feeling that history will remember him very fondly.

  • Pat Shoukry

    Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. Psalm 116:15
    What a wonderful home going celebration! Amazing Grace!

  • patt brown

    Surely President Obama is a man "after God's own heart". His eulogy, eloquent.His presence, amazing. breaking into song, adding his own heartfelt touch,matchless.

  • Marcio de Souza-Santos

    When Mr. Obama spoke today, he did not just for the blacks in US, not just for the people of USA, but for the whole humanity! The world should be proud that men like Barack Obama exist!

  • Yelling Elk

    Barack Obama may not go down in history as one of the greatest singers of all time… but man, that was impressive. Kinda hard to imagine George W Bush ever doing something like that huh?

  • James Fraser

    I'm a white Canadian atheist, and this eulogy just took me back to church.

    My love and sympathies to the families of the deceased, and my whole-hearted admiration for such a man as President Obama. He's doing the toughest job in the world, and he isn't perfect, but goddamn if he isn't doing it with good intentions, dignity, and grace. Amen, sir.

  • Yanano Bere

    "Churches have always been & continue to be places where children are loved and fed and kept out of harms way. Taught that they are beautiful and smart and their lives matter . . . A place were our dignity as a people isn't violated."

  • Jacob Gathers

    Good evening ot everyone on tonight. Anyone that say our president don't know God. Then you don't know him either. Because he preached today. I say, Preach mr. President. May God bless the Rev. Senator Clementa Pinckney family and other's today and forward from here. Prayers go out ot all the other 8 families that lost there love one's as well. May God watch over Charleston and us all tonight and for ever more. Amen.

  • Joe Kelsall

    No man is a prophet in his own land. President Obama is disrespected by the ignorant for his wisdom. By the weak for his strength of character and by the coward by his moral courage in rejecting calls to war. The USA does NOT recognise Obama's wisdom and abilityas history will.

  • Oliver K.

    Oh god…very few speeches moved me more and am glad that I listen to a man, that made me cry before. I remember his race to presidency when I lived in the land of his father…Kenya.

    I sat in a Pub that night when they declared him elected president of the United States and while all my Kenyan friends were just screaming out in celebrating their victory, I was shedding tears like a baby. When they ask me why, I told them I have two Obama's and a girl, all three half Kenyan, children of two different world's and at this moment I realised, that they can always refer to one of their kind, that had become the most powerful man of the planet. I knew that my kids would have a very special relationship to this Mr. President.

    I hope gods grace will go into all of us, so that we can stop racial hate and discrimination, we respect people for what they are…to feel that we all members of one race, that stands for love, trust and appreciation. I want my kids to grow up and realise that they are a shining example that love has no barriers, no stereotypes and no inequality…Obama might have been less than we expected of him, but speeches like this move more than many can imagine. I have an interest on the end of racial discrimination, because my friends and family are more discriminated than they should, my Africa – which I love from the bottom of my heart – is less respected, but what moves me most, we have a chance to reduce hate and violence…and racism is one of the biggest evils in human history…

    We should fight it from the root…BECAUSE WE CAN!!!