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  • miss poison 10462

    i love my TRUE boricuas who love n defend their ppl FIRST before anybody else. it doesnt pay to be nice to other latinos or anybody whos not us. i love our isla ppl. but. lets call it what it is. HALF of them r too coward n too loving to OTHER latinos MORE than to their own ppl. they tryin to make us look bad n they need to just drop dead. PUT YOUR OWN PPL FIRST. cuz aint no OTHER latino or anybody who'll give a true about us LIKE our own. remember dat.

  • Jose Bone

    LOL, your life must truly suck, I reply 1 AM just because I just got in from partying and a nice dinner. You reply minutes later each time just because your life Sucks and this is the most fun your suck ass life can have. Also, look at your replies, I slam you so bad that you ran like a bitch to comment on my channel. LOL you are lower than BEANER SHIT and as dumb as dog shit. Ok, here we go, you will reply in less than an hour because your life sucks dick.

  • zzZJayster787Zzz

    did you know that the spanish had kids with female tainas,? so yeah we do have a percentage of tainos in our blood, we are mix

  • Hector Marin

    Esto es una falta de respeto. El boricua verdadero no se basa en esta basura. El proposito de estas paradas se ha infectado con cafrerías desastrozas. El que creó este video no se debería llamar boricua. Me siento tan insultado por estas grocerías. Estás dando una imagen incorrecta de Puerto Rico y no digas que es la edad por que tengo 18 años y claramente no tiene nada que ver. Te recomiendo que te eduques sobre Puerto Rico y su cultura antes de decir que ésta canción sirve como himno boricua.

  • jocelyn vargas

    It's funny how people who r not puerto rican try to talk mad stuff about us but whatever y'all just tryna be us niggas

  • mrslimshadyish

    @IiTRUTHii… don't tell me what I can or can not say, I wasn't saying anything negative so what's with your comment?

  • Ricky Sierra

    Waterhands! These Puerto Ricans in new York have no clue whatsoever what it is to be Puerto Rican. I grew up visiting my primos and tios and tías. One of my uncles had a mini finca with roosters and hens and he lived on a monte. I had wonderful memories as a child. People were always willing to help each other and we were all family. Life in Puerto Rico is so foreign to these people all they know is partying at some caserio or nightlife in San Juan. Everyone says they are either from Ponce or S

  • nery colon 1

    Asi es q lindo seria q el mundo dijiera esos q viven en Puerto Rico son tan educado y respetuosos pero no hasta CNN se rio de nosotros porq no se queiria 5% de ivu sino el 7%, Ellos decian guantando la risa q Puerto Rico era el unico pais del mundo q se va en protesta para q le saquen mas dinero de su bolsillo. Esto es lo q ha hecho estos ignorantes.

  • nery colon 1

    Asi es. Quien va respetar eso. yo veo q en vez de hechar para adelamte, hechamos para atras. esto es lo q quita el orgullo de ser Boricua.

  • Elesparto

    En verdad que los gringos los han hechos a ustedes los puerto riqueños el caballo troyano para todos los hispanos de latino América y del Caribe—primero libérensen de los norte americanos and entonces tengan su parada de libertad and independencia con dignidad.

  • RottedDollFace

    Do you notice that if we are shown on american tv if not shown "right" ppl complain. No wonder we are hardly represented on tv. And lets not even start on latin tv. If you want something done to what you think is "right" representation then do it yourself. You shuld already know that there are thousands of boris that are horrible ppl but thats them not you. They dont represent me. Just themselves. And if think that this was bad. Go look up other videos and see the crap they do and say.