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  • Stefan Molyneux

    MP3 Download: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3033/racist-hulk-hogan-rant-scandal-wwe-gawker-and-you

    Pro Wrestling Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan was fired by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) after transcripts of a racist rant surfaced online. The rant originated from one of the sex tapes – filmed without permission – which have been the subject of Hogan’s recent lawsuit with Gawker. Stefan Molyneux takes a look at this news story which raises significant questions about personal privacy and the mob mentality.

  • Lord Hawkeye

    Is he still going through with the lawsuit? Please tell me he is! There is no justice in the world until everyone at gawker are begging for cigarettes at a bus station.

  • Raging Golden Eagle

    "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone"

    SJW's are fanatical in their devotion to their ideals, and don't view themselves as doing anything wrong. They rationalize their hatred, bigotry, and intolerance away by saying it is for the greater good, their target is a sub-human scumbag anyway, etc. Getting them to admit they are not perfect sinless special snowflakes will take a minor miracle.

    Yes, even holding that saying close to heart, the delusional SJW fanatics will rain stones upon the rest of us.

  • Albion Myway

    How many times does it need to be said: NEVER APOLOGISE! If you have been caught saying 'nigger' by the progressive witch-hunters, or something like that, there is no point apologising and crying and reciting the PC credo. The smug Leftists won't forgive you anyway, they are going to wreck your career mercilessly regardless. And by apologising and grovelling in vain, you only end up alienating your only remaining potential allies, which is to say people who are subscribed to RamZPaul and who follow TheRightStuff.biz.

  • Santiago Broncano

    Jamie Foxx said killing white people and laugh: still has a job
    Hulk Hogan says niggers: get's fired

    that seems fair!

  • Kevin B

    I remember the first time I was called nigger. It was in the second grade at Christian School. Two red headed brothers named Rusty and Dusty – I'm not making this up – one day decided to go on a "rant." I didn't know what nigger meant, but I told the teacher because they were annoying me. I don't remember the outcome.

    I'm cool with being called nigger now…all my black friends do it! Well "nigga" because it is a term of endearment rather than hate.

    Would that work the same for the Confederate Flag? E.g. Is it still the Confederate Flag if a single star is removed? A little more dramatic, how about inverting the colors? It could literally become a symbol of acceptance with a simple modification. I want my royalties…

  • knowthingman

    Racism, (like "heresy", "witchcraft", "blasphemy", or, more recently. "terrorism") is an amorphous and subjective enemy.
    It's an enemy against one can commit any and all manner of atrocities whist still remaining the "good guy".
    Burning at the state, the rack, the Iron Maiden, water boarding….all justifiable acts when one is combating an existential "evil" like "racism", "heresy", "witchcraft", "blasphemy", or "terrorism".

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  • Michael Bartholomew

    I am so tired of the thought police in this country somehow it's not ok for a white man to have racist feelings against another race. When a large majority of this planet hate white people somehow that's ok because we deserve it. Not for our actions but for just being white. I myself hate with a passion liberals and I don't apologize for it. At one time liberal ideology was a good thing but has turned into a race baiting, white hating, freedom restricting hypocritical bunch of self righteous douche bags.

  • Maj0ra

    Great video, subscribed. Never saw this guy before, but yeah he hits on some super good points. So tired of manufactured outraged these days.

  • Cecil Henry

    The First rule of ‘Diversity': Diversity means everyone MUST think alike about ‘Diversity’.

    The Second Rule of ‘Diversity': Nobody must EVER point out the First Rule of ‘Diversity’

    When it comes to ‘Diversity’—- “Don’t ever be the first to stop applauding.”

    Diversity means chasing down the last white person. Freedom now. Freedom from enforced, genocidal 'diversity'.

  • Broke My Crayon

    "Something obtained without permission, no matter how salacious, should be ignored."

    While i understand your point, this seems to be an extremely flawed statement.

  • NegativeNumbers427

    It's finally over, guys.

    No more racism in this world. Lets rejoice.

    Just kidding. The withdrawel piece of cloth and a 1,000 year old moustache with a man can't stop racism.