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  • greimalkin

    This is hilarious. How in the world was no one able to tell that this is a white woman in a Sideshow Bob wig??

  • Papa Wheely

    Guys! I think I just solved racism and sexism! One the count of three everyone identify as a strong independent black woman.

  • Enja McGuire

    Jane Dee, no: that's not how race works, haha

    It's being speculated that she staged the "hate crimes", too.

    This is one very, very, sick woman.

    She makes it easy to hate her.

  • mark smith

    DAMN THE INTERVIEWER STROKED HER ASS FOR A HOT MINUTE,AND THEN DROP THE BOMB ON HER ASS..HE ASKED ALL THOSE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE HATE CRIMES SHE'S EXPERIENCED AND THEN ASK HER DID SHE MAKE THEM UP FOR PUBLICITY,THEN HE HIT HER ASS WITH THE PHOTO… I can only imagine what she was thinking when he showed her the picture of her white father..WHITE OR BLACK SHE'S STANDING FOR BLACK PEOPLE SO I'M NOT MAD.. My only concern is that she does not care enough about her ethnicity to be labeled a white woman who sticks up and fight for black people..

  • Mel- Anated

    Black man will put down the black woman an marry an imposter. Funny how they hate on the black woman but pretend to be one. Shame on her black husband that allowed her to pass like that.

  • Lance Rambert

    I'm a pale faced Whitey myself. I lack so much pigment that you can literally see through my skin to the veins and junk. That said though, aren't I technically "African-American" as well because all the scientific data points to a narrative that all human life originated out of Africa anyway? Aren't we all just part of one human race anyway?

  • slickrock

    This is women is white or black, Zimmerman is white or mexican, Obama is white or black, and Jaco was white or black. To confusing. Anyway, i'd bone her.

  • Jon

    Just because your dad was black, doesn't make you black. Black is nothing but the color of your skin, if your physical appearance doesn't resemble that? Then best believe you're white.

  • alwayzblessed25

    Lmao she said as a mother of two black sons, sounds like something only a white woman trying not to be racist would say

  • Kam Fountain

    How did she fool anybody… she does not look black at all… not even mixed… she looks like an old white lady…

  • william hutton

    I can't even articulate fully just how perfect an example of a social justice warrior this is. It is invariably the case when SJWs are confronted with reality they flee from it. Trans-black? Perfect. This is the SJW downward spiral, like feminists, when they start eating each other. Oh, the wonderful, inevitable, predictable irony.

  • Bella

    I find it hilarious that not one single person of color is defending the idea of "Transracialism." From what I see, it's all whites. White people think they can do whatever they want, whenever they want. 50 years ago, no white person would ever dare to pretend to be Black or Brown. In fact, they would think their white skin makes them better. Now, in 2015, people of color are stronger and becoming better every single day, and now white people, like Rachel Dolezal think "hmm hey, there might be some benefits to being non-white after all…hmm yeah, lemme jump on that train."

    No. Not how it works, whites.You don't get to pick and choose parts of other peoples' cultures or histories that you deem interesting enough. If you're not Black, you don't know how it is to be Black, no matter how much you sympathize or connect with Black people. If you're not Asian, or Latino/a, or Arab, you cannot dress up or darken your skin like those people and pretend to be "one of them." It's an racist and despicable thing to do, even if in your delusional mind, you think you have "good intentions." White people wanna act or dress like other races, but y'all would never allow other races to come into your space. Admit it.