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  • Phoenix T

    I love Ben for defending Islam. Millions of Muslims are against terrorism and ISIS including myself. Killing others because the worship a different God is always wrong. Muslims are peaceful. I don't have NOTHING against other religions because it's their choice and it's their lives, not mine. They call us terrorists where in reality, American soldiers (tools) invade other countries (Iraq) rape women, kill innocent kids, and harm the elders. But still call them Terrorists for defending their land! Every religion has extremist people whether you like it or not. Sure it's not acceptable but it is what it is. ISIS don't represent Islam whatsoever. Don't judge in entire religion just based on the actions of INDIVIDUALS!

  • trippplefive

    Maher took way too much time shouting. If he shut his mouth for a minute and let Sam Harris explain his views, this would've been a better conversation.

  • jedisenior

    Old Benny boy has far more 'white guilt' than is usual for even a far-left loon. Turns out he has slave owning ancestry, and to make matters worse, he tried to hide it. He is overcompensating and projecting, that's what the nonsensical outbursts by him are about.

    Not that anybody alive today is responsibleof course, but so called progressives just love the whole 'sins of the father' bullshit and beating'white' people over the headwith it, despite the fact the vast majority of 'white's' have no slave owning ancestry. Asslick is one of those that loved doing so, now he knows he has a direct link toslavery, it just blows his puny little brain, he feels more'guilty,' and thinks everybody else should as well, despite the fact racism has noting to do with this. But of course, far-lefties are every bit as stupid as the far-right,and Benny is desperate to show how 'non-racist'heis by bringing race into everything (no these idiots don't see the irony), more sothan most inthe loony left, even when it's a bronze age, backwardideology that's beingjustifiablycriticized…………Pathetic really.

  • EpicMRPancake

    Affleck doesnt seem to understand that Harris and Maher aren't condemning a whole people based on the actions of some extremists, but rather condemning Islam itself for the bad ideas inherent in the religion, which is supported by the large majority of muslims, not just the extremists.

  • mrpapparappa

    Wow Ben needs to take a chill pill, no need to lose your shit when faced with facts. LISTEN!!! That Sam dude ( and of course Bill) on the other hand, very cool and collected :)!!!

  • Robin Banks

    It's like going to a Football game and seeing crowd violence in the game, The Media go way OTT and focuses on the minority and states everyone at the game was violent, I don't remember any Islamic countries invading countries in the name of Islam and killing innocent people, but wait a minute the US do, Who is the real threat here?

  • Abd. Khan

    Many people are asking to explain honor killings, ISIS and so on. Well here it is. ISIS, honor killings and other henous acts commited for "Islam" are completely contradicting what they fight for. These terrorist groups are no ambassadors for Islam and I'm quite confused as to why they are so commonly are. The only ambassador of what Islam truly is are the words and actions of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) and the Quran. No where in the Quran does it say to kill non-believers for no reason nor does it say kill innocents. In fact we aren't even allowed to do that during war according to the 8 rules we abide by during times of battle. They include not killing children or leaders of other religions or senior citizens. Islam truly is a religion of peace. These barbarians don't realize they're only ruining whatever they seem to be trying to promote. Prophet Muhammad said it best when he said, "God is not merciful to him who is not so to mankind." He also said, "Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever has not kindness has not faith." Im pretty positive chopping off heads isn't kind. I guess that's all I have got to say.

  • Infinitefx123

    Reading comments on this makes you realize how fucked up humans really are.

    Well done to Ben Affleck seriously so much respect for him!!

  • tom maly

    As always, thank you Sam. I wish you could have a debate with the whole world to finally explain this to all – i know it's painful to repeat yourself.

  • The Proud Nerd

    When Ben Affleck was cast as batman I didn't really think of it much because I haven't seen any of his movies, it was good that he looked the part but other than that I didn't have much to judge my opinions on but now that I know he stands up when people are being bullied by disgusting people like these guys and that he's donating to helping bat populations and he's bringing awareness to the danger bats are in. I am so convinced that Ben will make the perfect batman because batman is a symbol of justice and that is the exact qualities Ben is displaying here. Ben Affleck is the perfect batman and an awesome human being!!!!!

  • Rob InfraRed

    Even tho I'm not a liberal or a conservative I'm also not one to generalize a whole group of people cause of the acts of a few. But a good heated debate

  • Damian Zepeda

    Seriously Ben you couldn't understand that. I hate every person that clapped for you. It's ideas and beliefs that come about because of Religion that are poison. I had to breakup with my ex girlfriend because I wasn't Mormon. My most recent ex girlfriend when expressing reasons why we should break up was because I didn't believe in her imaginary God. "But they're not fundamentalists." Ideas are poisonous, Yeah only a few people fly into buildings but where did those ideas come from? I'm glad most people don't actually practice their Religion correctly because otherwise tons more people would be killed.

  • John50 Beach

    I think Ben Affleck has the right idea. He's impartial and that's what everyone should be. He's the only one not being a fucking moron. These idiots impose their hate beliefs on others and stir up havoc for the innocent muslims that had nothing to do with anything. "Stupid actor" wtf? That itself is a generalisation, which is exactly what he's speaking against.

  • Mikeybetts

    the fact is, Islam is the only truly problematic religion in the world today.

    what's the worst christianity is doing hmm? refusing to bake cakes for gay weddings?

    what's the worst that Islam is doing in the world today?… somewhere between wholesale genocide and torture of entire peoples across the Middle East and Africa and the sexual slavery of girls as young as 5 all across the Middle East and Africa (of which only ISIS has been honest about in their practices)