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  • CelestialSerendipity

    This must have been before Nathan Lane came out, they haven't talked about his sexuality at all, which would be unusual for this interview.

  • Bayougirl78

    One of my favorite movies, Robin and Nathan were brilliant in it…. And Robin is just too much in this interview, I was laughing through tears. RIP

  • Quantum_XJ

    This made made me happy and sad all at the same time! And then Whitney Houston's name at the end was just too much. R.I.P Robin and Whitney!

  • yolodancers

    When all countries blow each other up, please hold onto Robin Williams material. We'll need a great laugh!

  • Elizabeth Barry

    As brilliant an actor/comedian as he was, I think his death made me see how severe my illness really is. I am sorry he felt this was his only way to achieve peace, but I understand how painful his life really was. And the fact he had to "play" happy. Watching this makes me cry. I will really miss him.

  • Raoul Fleckman

    I've probably seen "The Birdcage" 10 times all the way through and it's still a good laugh every time. I would like to add that Hank Azaria's character was priceless "Agadore Spartacus" or something like that. Bon Voyage Robin. Bon Voyage.

  • Lorraine Tauson

    Robin Williams made the world laugh. He was a genius, a family man but also a man in pain. I wish I could have talked to him for you see I too suffer the same mental illness he went through. I had hit the black hole that I almost never came out of until my girlfriend saved me quite literally and got me into the hospital. I have multiple health issues that are piling up on me that are all serious and that was what was happening to Robin also. Believe me when your in that much pain you will do anything to get out of it. I am in that same situation where doctors, family and friends are my supports. If only I could have been Robin's support as a friend, not a fan although I certainly am, but as a human being to another in the same boat. May he rest in peace and God bless his family as well as himself. I miss you Robin and your humor dearly.