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  • nicola jackson

    I have never been upset at the death of a celebrity. I feel sorry for their loved ones but don't understood how you can be so upset over the death of someone you never met met. When Princess Di died I was astounded at the people I knew who travelled to London to lay flowers at St James, especially as their mums and grans had not had a bunch of carnations at their grave for a long time. Then Robin Williams died and I felt like I had lost a friend. He had made me laugh for years and it was how he died that made me sad. He had made and millions more laugh and yet he couldn't have that happiness for himself. I'm not sure what is after this life but whenever he is, I hope he is laughing, in no pain and aware that he was loved by so many people.

  • TheGuess2

    Even as a republican, Bush was a pretty awful president…quite stupid too…we need republicans that actually have plans for the country, not just invade the middle east and #yolo it.

  • pixiniarts

    Reading some of the many comments and upvoted comments makes me despair, a mass of degenerate, ignorant, uneducated simpleton fucks mewling out crap like cats coughing up furballs…
    If you haven't bothered reading the corroners notes that Robin Williams had both Parkinsons and Lewy Body Dementia that causes erratic behavior, confusion, dsiorientation and halucinations plus indications of Alzheimers shut the fuck up.
    If you have no experience of long term depression and can even be bothered to read up on it shut the fuck up.
    If you can't grasp the corelation between drugs, alcohol and mental illness can even be bothered to read up on it shut the fuck up.
    If you think depression is just an excuse for people who 'just can't handle life' shut the fuck up.
    If you think that someone who commits suicide is in hell, you primative fool shut the fuck up.
    If you think George Bush was a great president you total dumbass please shut the fuck up.

  • John McCabe

    An absolute comic genius, Wish he had not departed in such a tragic manner. Those closest to him must have missed the signs?

  • Ad van Tuil

    Niets aan verloren, die zielige depressieve zogenaamde clown. Smerige coke en alcohol verslaafde stinkende kut junk, opgeruimd staat netjes !

  • Ivan Božić

    The only reasonable question any real philosopher ponders on is whether or not he should commit suicide.

  • Jim Beattie

    I'm not a big fan of Robin Williams but this reminded me of just how worthless was George W Bush, what a stupid piece of shit he was, and how much he damaged our country and made us the laughing stock of the world. On top of that he was a total meanspirited prick like most conservatives.

  • SomeHardCandy

    American comedy does not translate very well to England. the audience seems like robots. I think there being polite plus the royal assholes are there.

  • The Angry Goat

    The only person that destroyed himself was Robin Williams! Yeah, Yeah, he had problems just like everybody else in this world…