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  • Barry Parker

    Love the show but never could figure out why 2 couples are friends with someone like Russell. Most couples do not hang around with a womanizer.

  • GLBizzie

    Adam was so awesome over the Years but became a bit annoying during season 6 where his aggressive stupidity was going too far but in season 7 it calmed down a bit again and was OK….

    But Seriously… Bianca Kajlich Was the Most UNDERUSED Actress with her Character in the Show.. it was like she didn't had anything to do during season6 + 7.. which was a little dissapointing

  • Achtungworld1

    The thing that always left me wondering about this show was.
    What are the rules of engagement?. I find it funny that even though the show is suppose to be about these 2. I think we saw more of Jeff and Audrey. Maybe it should've been called something else like; "Rules Of A Marriage" or "Couples".

  • makeitrain47

    I love this show! Finished all 7 seasons in about 3 weeks on Netflix. I kind of had an issue with the whole Adam gay/idiot thing. Adam went from being kind of goofy and likable in season 1 to being an absolute fembot moron. Also the whole "Russell is a sleazebag" thing was carried too far as well; they made him pretty much a douche the last couple of seasons, to where it made Timmy look like an emasculated wuss for not quitting earlier.
    On the other hand, I thought the Jeff/Audrey relationship was the best part of the show; it'd be cool if they made some kind of spin-off with Jeff and Audrey years later having moved out of the apartment into a house raising Shea and their second kid.

  • realneatguy

    Rules of Engagement is hands down the funniest comedy on the air. I cant tell you how amazing the humour is with Oliver Hudson's character being my favorite. The writing is ahead of its time and I think Rules of Engagement still has not yet seen its full success.