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  • Anna Brock

    I have never been more jealous in my whole entire life than when I was watching this. Sam you are an amazing little girl!

  • Cheryl Gardner

    My dream is to one day play for the women's national team.I would love to meet the US Womens National Team. I am a goalie who looks up to Hope Solo. I want to be just as good as a goalkeeper as she is.

  • Donovan Barrett

    Hey sam i love ur videos my name is Donovan not ricardo that's my dad some day i hope to see u as the first woman to play in the NFL and wat is your favorite sport football or soccer

  • Greenwolfe Green

    I would just remind everyone that jealousy is, greater than fear, the most destructive trait a human can have. Even if you claim to be better than Sam, you aren't. For she is absent this particular trait that you have shown that you possess.

  • Diamond Best

    You know I'm glad for Sam, I won't deny that I'm a little jealous but, I don't like the way that Sam can come in and meet/play with the uswnt just because she's pretty good at u-9 football. I understand that it is special that a girl can play football and beat out the boys but I have to agree with Allen Granville. What trait does she have that gradually makes her better than any one else. What about the other 100's of girls like myself who want to meet the wnt and have a dream to play for the national team and work hard every day to get to that point. What about the other 100's of girls who's stories like Sam's aren't heard when maybe they are outplaying boys too? All I'm saying is give everybody the opportunity that Sam had to meet/play with the players or don't do it at all. I'm not hating on the kid Im hating on USSoccer. I want to meet the USWNT and I have a dream of someday being on the team. So where's my opportunity to meet them to that degree?

  • Ryan Cobb

    I fear for our future. These might be some of the worst comments I have ever read on youtube. For those of you who made comments saying it should be you meeting the team instead of sam, or its not fair and no one should get to meet them…life is not ever fair, and no one, including you, is deserving or entitled to anything

    Read carefully… you are in for a rough time if you don't change your outlook on life. To be happy you must focus on what you have and be proud in the effort you put forward. If you focus on what you don't have or what someone has that you don't , your life will be filled with discontent. These are the facts.

    I hope all the little girls who complained about Sam meeting the team, one day learn to be happy for others and they get to meet the team themselves. I hope all the little boys who claim to be better athletes than Sam, one day learn to develop self worth from something other than sports. If you can't, all of you should destroy your computers because they will only serve you as sources of jealousy.

    Unfortunately, your parents are doing a horrible job. I think you might be destined to a lonely life in which you will never really know anyone and anyone who really knows you runs away.