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  • weunelect

    She should have never been arrested for not putting out a cigarette in her own car. If it lead to asuicide or she was murdered, it started by a police criminal.

  • K Louise

    At first, I believe they were saying she hung herself by her own sweater, which was then scrutinized because she did not have her original clothing on her person. Now there is this plastic bag…what plastic bag is given to inmates inside a jail? Assuming there actually was, for what purpose was it there or given? What kind of plastic was it made out of? Industrial strength or convenient store quality strength? The latter would seem to pose an improbability in that it could sufficiently hold the weight of a person up. And, these questions don't even begin to touch the actual arrest. Turn signal failure? Failure to comply when asked to put out a cigarette? Why are we expected to comply with the whims of law enforcement? There is no legal offense of smoking a cigarette in the presence of an officer… And, a turn signal failure? Big deal. Why, just the other day I saw an UNMARKED police car, albeit with state plates, failing to do so… We, as a nation, comprised of unnecessary state borders (although they once served a purpose in efforts to quell a decentralized government via a large geographical expanse – which is unnecessary today due to technology advancements) are getting caught up in all these various legislations. There is one rule of law and that is the constitution. PERIOD. Everything else made by states is merely a suggestion not LAW. The desire to have signaling utilized is to prevent possible collisions, but no where does is actually prevent them merely in themselves. So, this leads me to believe she was arrested for a potential "crime" that could have occurred because of her failure to signal. This is not freedom! Freedom is scary – accept it. An authoritarian government promises safety through laws but it is all smoke and mirrors.
    What I'm trying to say is, this was an unnecessary arrest! And most likely, not a suicide – the pieces just don't fit.

  • Bingo Jet

    Just think, if she had taken a ticket for the stop and went about her business like a responsible citizen she would still be alive today.