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  • 1Natural2Natural

    Wow! Look at everyone sitting back judging this man for his so called "sins" in which we all have. One sin is not greater than the next. On judgement day you will find that out. Also lets see your life as an open book for the world to see an see how many of your flaws and sins are picked apart. Have respect! Regardless if you like or agree with everything he is doing, he is still there showing his respect. Focus on that an stop showing your sin by judging others. Just odd how ppl are. Focusing on the wrong things. No one is perfect. An if you're saying u don't have a gay friend or family member that u say hello to, help or speak to what does that say about you. Support is support. Think before you speak or judge. Thank God, that man nor woman had the final say over my life. We would all be condemned.

  • patt brown

    President Obama is always at his best when he drops the pretense & trappings of his office & lets us "feel he is ONE with us".That's the man we all" fell in love with"all those years ago. It was heartfelt,genuine, & what was needed today. may God bless him & his family.

  • randy hutchinson

    Im ashamed for all you people leaving negative comments…….he's giving God praise in sound …….i demand you give my maker his respect….. i have spoken

  • nelly ville

    How are you going to go against god words and then go in the house of the lord and sing amazing grace and the congregation is right with him smh!! They ought to no better. I feel so bad for our children because he really took away our right to protect them from this.

  • Free Agent Nomad

    When Obama said Adam picnic (sorry if that wasn't his name but it sounded like it) has found grace, I thought he was about to drop a filthy rap.

  • Paula Luna

    It's funny. Aren't we supposed to separate church from state? If any of you think this is heartfelt, you should know he is singing at the lowest point of his presidency…I see an increase in poll numbers. That's it.

  • MacBookProGeek247

    Fake church allowing this asshole who accepts gay marriage to enter the building and disgrace the church with this bullshit