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  • Chris Cardinell

    Do you guys think that we will be hearing about Visceral's Star Wars game at E3? We haven't had much news on it, and I'm dying to hear about it. Crossing my fingers for an open world Han Solo game.

  • Alex Mauney

    With all these pictures of Star Destroyers, do you think we could possibly see a game mode where you have to take out a Star Destroyer, like the carrier assault in Battlefield?

  • Suntopia Sverige

    I would love to see AI in the multiplayer! Like on Endor, ewoks helping the rebels. It would have been amazing! And on Tatooine, the Sand People, but they're not helping a team, they kill everybody! And that can prevent campers!

  • Damir Pryce

    Okay, I've said this a lot but it doesn't seem to be getting through, so I'll say it again (because fuck it). The Battle of Jakku DLC is not a movie DLC; the Battle of Jakku takes place decades before the events of Ep. 7 and the fact that Jakku is appearing in both the movie and the DLC does not tie them together. The Battle of Jakku is still part of the Galactic Civil War era, the factions are still the good old Rebels vs the good old Empire. The Battle of Jakku DLC has nearly nothing to do with Episode 7, if anything it is more closely tied to Episode 6.

  • highlandcommando

    These fuckers need to stop sucking the games ass. They never mention that the old battlefront had over 30 maps but the new version will no doubt launch with less than quarter that, with the rest pre greased up via a season pass.

  • Godless Commie

    Dude, I just want a Mass Effecty type game where we play as Mandalorians and go all over the galaxy doing Mando things :/

  • OverratedGinger

    I hope that command posts return in the new game. It's one of the things that mad battlefront, battlefront in my opinion

  • captainemeralds

    what i'm worried about is the level design. They are taking the shape of the land straight from real life, and real life terrain isn't really designed for video game level layout.