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  • Cole Carter

    AT-AT piloting was in Battlefront 2. Actually pretty much any star wars vehicle was pilotable in Battlefront 2.

  • Kieran Sweeden

    I hate how put down this game is by PC gamers especially by the 'Running on PS4' quote.

    Why is everything always a competition? 'PC has the best this and best that!' I don't give a crap, I bought a console because 'i' like it! Don't make me look like some low-life just because I haven't got the latest nvidia graphics card etc. Because you're just being a low-life for trying to 'best' someone and make them feel small. Why can't we all just appreciate we have the opportunity to play fantastically beautiful games such as Battlefront? And be cool about it! I'm sure there's PC gamers out there who are not like that, but it's the majority I see of them. Just love games, don't try to upset others about the way they like to game.

  • Ahmed.a_94

    How much is ps4 PlayStation plus subscription? is it different cost in the UK?

    (can't believe its not free like the ps3, they are charging you to use the internet

  • Anthony Hughes

    Haven't I done this Mission 32 on 32 custom map, yes, yes I have and all I'm going to do is do it all again with better graphics and on a greater engine. Let's see if it's better overall outside whatever story stylised missions they have. we want Galactic Conquest but I also want custom maps as editing adds greater longevity.

  • TheM4rxman

    Have they never played Battlefront before? They think the heroes(playing as a main character) component is a new thing and they think this is the first time land vehicles have been playable.