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  • ItaloCanadese

    The racist stuff is unacceptable. Nobody deserves that. At the same, she has to understand that she lost many fans. She made it impossible for any Canadian to respect her. That over the topcelebration of hersin Toronto will never be forgotten.

  • Whistleblower

    I hate Leroux and this reporter. Everything in TYT is good except for sports. Leroux's mother is Canadian. Thats why Dob said that. YOU CAN HAVE HER!! She betrayed the country that gave her ancestors refuge from the US's pro slavery gov't.

  • 3lopez001

    Just wait canada will lose the world cup in their home… fuck you for taunting someone out of your country and still even when she was playing in canada #shebelives DONT STOP LEROUX!!!

  • Chris Bruck

    There is nothing wrong with what she did when she went to play for the U.S. because she was born as an American citizen. So she wasn't being a trader she was still playing for her country. People need to shut up and stop being mean to Sydney leroux!

  • Damier Benson

    For everyone saying that its the nature of competition and that she was wrong for celebrating after 90 plus minutes of being personally attacked by her hometown is just wrong. no one knows what was being said on that field racial, hate, or other wise but u can't talk shit and not expect an answer. u gotta be prepared for the repercussions. i don't think it was over the top what she did she proud to play for the she plays for and anyone that has been on team knows how that feels to put everything u have out there and more for your team. i think it is her way of saying this is my team we sweat we play we live everything out here together i'm proud to be apart of this no matter what is being chanting.

  • Ryan Neville

    A little sensitive?
    I get the racist stuff, thats awful, theres a lot of morons out there and social media gives them an outlet, let's not give them the attention of making the story about them and assuming its representative of a culture or country. Sydney shouldnt take it to heart either, look at every Tweet by a celebrity, theres 10 people making racist/sexist/absurd comments in every 1.
    But whining about fans booing her?
    "omg thats so harsh theyre yelling and booing her:((((" ….you understand the concept of sport right? Competition? It happens all the time.
    Every time I see Americans talk about this they miss the point. It was a betrayal and then she rubbed it in to boot. Nothing was gonna make that environment at BMO field any better that night, but in the long run she could have earned a lot of respect by acting more like other players have acted scoring against there former teams(See; Aaron Ramsey vs Cardiff, Mario Gotze vs Dortmund)
    As for hating on the announcers, c'mon my American bros, you guys know you're a little cocky, a little arrogant, and a rub it in celebration in a 3-0 game is right up that alley. It's not like that cockiness is unfounded, lets not roast the announcer for calling it like it is, I disagree with "You can have her" tho, I'd take her back.
    And TYT, the announcer wast suggesting she get yellow carded, she WAS yellow carded by a neutral international referee for unsportsmanlike play.
    ps. I actually like Sydney, heard her on radio and podcast's, shes great. Just wish she wore red and white.

  • ianmann64

    Leroux was born in Vancouver to a Canadian mother and an African Americanfather that left them before Leroux was born. Sheplayed for the Canadian youth team before she sought greener pasture stateside. She is as American as LauraRobsonis English.

  • dingoleh

    I don't mind that they boo her and taunt her and she taunting them back. But keep the racial stuff out of it. I couldn't really catch what they were saying when they were booing her though. And I'm sure Rossi wouldn't be called racist Italian names if Italy played the US. So I don't know why every time a black person gets taunted it has to go to race. There are other ways to taunt an opponent.

  • Sidiqa Hooker

    i heard "fuck you, you piece of crap" people are weird I swear. they act like they own the player just because they are from a particular place..she decided to change soccer teams big whoop.. Like when Lebron went from Cleveland to miami.. all of the sudden he was a "sell out".. people get traded all the time its part of the business.. get over it!

  • Tyler Mann

    Wow, I have a whole new view of Canada now. I thought they were nice and cool. Don't think I want to visit anymore

  • Purkey Boy

    You have a chance to play for two teams ranked #1 and #7 in the world. You cant tell me you wouldn't make the same decision Sydney did.

  • Mikhaylan Price

    Putting the rivalry completely aside. Playing for America is a better decision for her. America is simply a better team that Canada.

  • CoolKid “Incrediblestan” Kyle

    United State would of been a better team than Canada with or without Leroux. The United States team is stacked in every position. Its like Chelsea playing Southampton

  • Jarvis Mack

    I see NO problem with her move to America…from a career stand point she's VERY successful…Furthermore, for all you people commenting on this negatively if you had her ability and cjoice you"'d do whats BEST for you and your family…stop being hypocrites…you were put on this earth to be SOMEBODY.U.S. provides a significant opportunity and look at her now…..shuuuuush….she made it

  • CoolKid “Incrediblestan” Kyle

    You can't compare the Leroux thing with the Rossi thing. Nobody racially abused Rossi…Nobody called Rossi any racial slurs. Nobody gave Rossi that sort of treatment.