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  • April K

    Watch the way he smirks and sits down in his chair. Oh there's a microphone, and a camera, and an audience in front of me! Yay! I love all this attention! It's all about me!

  • That's What You Get For Waking Up In Vegas

    I wish they filmed the part when Bundy was sitting in the chair during the pre-trial hearing and demanded special privileges while in jail like exercising and reading books in the library; the judge asked him "Can you read while you exercise, Mr. Bundy?"That's how it went down and apparently the judge embarrassed him in front of everybody (according to Ann Rule's book). Ha ha, I'd love to have seen that happen. LOL.

  • Scott Matheson

    If you stop the video every second or so you can catch Teds micro expressions which can be quite telling.Some of them especially around the eyes really capture the evil. I truly feel for the poor souls who fell into this human insects cold and calculating clutches.

  • OrdinaryTuber

    What is wrong with you? murders are quite interesting yes people younger than 10 shouldnt watch it but ted bundys story and how he did it and his escapes are actually quite interesting

  • Al A.

    Why is he making this strange pose and face expression, on the famous picture by his death sentence. And why isnt there any video footage of that available?

  • Chelsayshay

    This is such fucking bullshit. I can see why somebody would think of Ted Bundy as interesting but no way in hell should anybody be obsessed with this whack job. As far as i'm concerned the people who are obsessed with him are as sick as he was. You have little girls on fucking youtube obsessingover a fucking serial killer who commited countless of CRUEL, ATROCIOUS murders and rapes. WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE PARENTS? How in anyway is that shit ok?
    This is what is wrong with the world. You have ignorant maroons completely enamored by people like Ted Bundy.
    Ted Bundy? Of all the fucking people in this world right now? (not that the world is all ponies and unicorns) But people actually choose him as an obsession?
    Honestly, I would LOVE for those people to step into the shoes of the victims or the victimsfrom the moments of their first encounter with Ted and up to their brutally fated deaths. I would Love for them to bea family member or a friend of one of thevictims he savagely killed.If onlyto wake them up for a moment then bring them back to exist as they do now.Then I wonder how many little bitches would be obsessed with this fucking creep?
    Sadly I am beginning to assumethat the number would still remain painstakingly high.
    Nobody in their right mind should be defending or idololizing this shit bag and IF you are. I have news for you. YOU ARE SICK.
    You need to get your priorities in life straight and seek help IMMEDIATELY. I am not saying that to be spiteful, mean or judgemental. I am saying that because that is the fucking TRUTH.
    I think the psychology behind what really motivates serial killers is very intriguing but as for the serial killer themself? Hell no.
    Complete scum bags. They do not deserve all the infamy that they recieve. It only feeds their sick desires.
    If Ted was alive right now, right in front of me. I would tell him all of that. Dead or not. Does not matter.
    If I had to defend myself I would. I wouldn't kill him because I don't want to kill anyone. Unless if it was for self defense. I will leave that to the law. That's their job.
    This man was scum. Complete and utter scum. Everything good that he ever may have done in his life was ALL an act. Nothing was sincere or honest. I highly doubt he had any type real empathy towards anyone or anything. If he did it was surely very small.
    Stop fucking defending this shit bag.
    He was NOTHING.
    He was a waste of existence.
    The people who think fondly of him are fucking wastes of existence.
    Anybody who disagrees with that, GO ON AHEAD and try to prove your point. Although there really is no use in trying because people with decency and a good heart would see why idolizing this creep is wrong.

  • Taylor Lynn

    This presenters way of pronouncing words like "jury" and "miami" really bothers me. There is no fucking 'a' before the 'y'/'i'

  • Mogwai Gremlin

    If there's one trial I'd watch in its entirety it's be Ted Bundy's.Fuck OJ Simpson & Oscar Pistorius and all that celebrity bru ha ha. I'd love to see a real maniac like Bundy get tried for his crimes. If you have any more then please upload them…

  • TheDayspring777

    After YEARS of looking for this trial as criminal psychology student, this is the ONLY video that i've ever seen of it. If you have more, please post. It would be very much appreciated.