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  • Grace Hope

    You can catch a glimpse of the real Ted Bundy here. Check his piercing & evil look he gives the reporters at 0:34. That was probably the look those poor girls he murdered seen for the very last time.
    There is nothing inside him. No love or compassion, just emptiness and evil.

  • 09rockmusic

    Why is he allowed to make a mockery of this proceeding? He should have been slammed to the ground by deputies. This reminds me of John Dillinger at the jailhouse in Indiana, leaning against the top dawg as if it was no big deal for him LOL, but rather an annoyance.

  • mathiasmorqubus

    Strong words for a piece of shit that was burnt to a crisp. I always wanted to know why maybe just maybe we can identify these things. Now i know that all precursors would be thrown aside even till this day. As for you ted you will never again be a point of interest for me and if others do the same i applaude you. Deny it the fame it always wanted and forget about it and memorialize its victims.

  • Elsie Lane

    Ugh… he gives me chills… he's so calculating, you can just see it in his eyes and his body language, he knows what he's doing, he can command a room like a pro, it's just REALLY creepy to watch him interact with others because EVERY SINGLE THING HE EVER DID was manipulative. Geez… quite the sociopath he was. I don't get why people fawn over him or love him or anything; those who love him would probably be his ideal victims if he ever got them alone, just saying.

  • TooLong

    Lets look at his body language in this clip. As soon an he enters he has his hand on his his hip indicating he is feeling defencive then he walks to the most powerful figure in the room (the officer with the paper) and stands alongside him to put himself with the power figure. He starts talking over the officer therefore making himself the power figure in the room. The officer submits and doesnt say anything back. Bundy does the point to "put the officer in his place". He stands tall and looks at everyone in the eye to exert authority. He walks towards the camera and puts his hands behind his back to indicate that he is not afraid. He says that he will plead not guilty. The open palm gesture shows that he is telling the truth.

    Bundy was a master manipulator who felt very little anxiety if any at all and lacked guilt and remorse.

  • Justin Osborne

    People are oftenass holes. They want to label anyone who looks out of the ordinary.They will judge you with certain criminal behaviorfor having tattoos, facial piercings, wearing certain clothes,etc. It's bullshit. It's impossible for evil to be seen.

  • Thoughtless Littlegirls

    Just the way he walks out the elevator towards looking at the paper, man this guy could of been hella famous if he wasn't a killer why is it the good looking and funny without being funny people gotta be the strange killers :x

  • chiu chiuki

    i would feel sorry for anyone sentenced to death penalty, but ted Bundy deserved it more than most of the people in the world…we can just watch him and see such a lovely smile, and than- when you look better underneath boyish smile is an arrogant smirk and evil virtualy piercing (at the world) from his eyes…and all words he said in this clip and his gestures come across as:" here i am, feel pity for me as i do feel pity for myself (and lets forget why i am sentenced and about all victims i killed)…"…
    Ted bundy might had mental illness or disorder, he might had an unfortunate life and might have not had great intelligence (although many claimed that he was intelligent person), but i don't even dare to think how he tought he is going to charm judge and/or manipulate prosecutor or whatever, and plead not guilty (by giving example of defence bad influence in his childhood)…

  • Jacqueline Thomson

    ohhh yeah… ummm hmmm…..lol. But, ahemm,seriously, this is one instance where for a second you can see a glimpse of the evil in his eyes…when he swaggers towards the press and like in the creepy infamous picture.