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  • schmoesknow

    The Schmoes review the latest entry in the blockbuster sci-fi franchise, TERMINATOR: GENISYS! See if it's a return to form for the machines, and then comment with your take!

  • GundamMeister007

    And once again Kristian does nothing but be mean to a nice guy like Jai. Jai CAN act Kristian get that through your head watch Spartacus to see just how wrong you are about him. But since this is you I'm talking about you won't because if you do then you'll see that you ARE wrong and Tiffany Smith WAS right and you get stand that. Stopping being rude to people you don't even know. We clear? Good. P.S. if you block me because you don't like what I am saying it's because you know I'm right and you can't stand it.

  • ShinbrigTV

    Really, is ANYONE surprised about this?? They already gave away the plot-twist in the trailer just to show you how the marketing has to treat it's audience.

  • KoolKeith9000

    What a surprise. A movie that had a plot that sounded bad, and that had trailers that looked bad, and that starred mostly foreign actors who do bad American accents, turns out to be a bad film. Who would have thought? ._.

  • deusredeemer

    Courtney must be banging hollywood producers ,,thats the only way we can explain the fact that he is still taking part in movies ( his acting is porn actor acting lol and he maybe good at selling gym equipment in tv commercials ) … another letdown this year god d@mn it :/ Arnie was good though

  • kieralinn

    Should have just done a sequel to Salvation so we could have finally seen the war. Would have been better to just fix the problems and learn from what didn't work and continue the story than to reboot. Had a feeling this was going to screw up the story.

  • Oisín McMahon

    First Jai ruined Die Hard, then Terminator, if he ruins suicide squad, I'm going to stick a boomerang up his ass.

  • Arbhall McDougall

    Im not surprised in the slightest you guys didnt like this movie. THey hyped the shit out of it, and my suspicions were peaked when Cameron said a few weeks ago that it was good. I had this nagging feeling he didnt really mean it. Now that I know he gets the rights back in 3 years, I know why. He wanted it to fail and gloriously. So he could look like a saviour swooping in to save it.
    Thank you as always to everyone on and off camera, for all your obvious hard work.

  • SteveTheDruid

    SoJai Courtney has officially ruined 2 franchises now? If he kills suicide squad too he will officially steal the tittle of franchise killer from Bryce Dallas Howard!

  • Tici Toty Tony

    I knew this movie smelled like bad news from the first trailer

    1) The man who directed Thor: The Dark World directed this as well

    2) Jai Courtney sucks in everything he does, no and I'm not excited to see him as Captain Boomerang in Suicide Sqaud. Why dafuq was he casted as PTSD Kyle Reese?

    3) They should've left The Terminator movies at Judgement Day cause after James Cameron left the series the films were lackluster and now we can add another one to the list.

    4) Why fix what wasn't broken in the first two installments and leave Rise of the Machines and Salvation alone? Those were the ones that needed to be fixed!!

    5) They revealed the John Connor Terminator Hybrid spoiler in the trailer!!! Who does that!! And this is not the only time the Terminator series has done this. They did it in Judgement Day trailer and Salvation trailer.

    I'm still going to watch it on Sunday to see for myself. But i think it's time to wrap the Terminator movies up and put it in the ground it really should've ended with 2 movies not 5 plus a TV Show.

  • cybersunday07

    Honestly, there's nothing they CAN do with Terminator anymore.

    Terminator 1 had Sarah and Kyle fleeing the Terminator. Terminator 2 had John and Sarah working with the Terminator against the T-1000 to stop Judgment Day.

    The only thing they can do is adapt my Future War script, but they won't since they don't know me from John Doe.

    John has to save Kyle from a T-900 in 2027 by going back in time AFTER Skynet kills Kyle in 2027, creates a Paradox where multiple timelines converge, which in turn brings the T-Infinity from an alternate timeline who has killed ALL other John's in alternate timelines and THIS JOHN is the last one on its list.

    It's kinda like "The One" meets "Terminator 2" in the Future War.

  • Jeremy Flores

    Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese is just the worst. Anton Yelchin was so much better. Hell, cast someone with charisma, like Karl Urban or something…