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  • Marcus Luera

    Grace she couldn't be hiding John because kyle reese is his dad. I do agree I'm more excited for this movie. Did you hear the rumor Matt Smith will be playing Skynet? My theory is there is no evil John but it's Skynet posing as John. Great review as always. =) =) =) =) =) =)

  • SoundtrackFanGirlFa

    hiss!! im upset they showed evil John Connor in the trailer if that twist was kept a secret it would have been a game changer!!

  • HeckledMind

    I think this is going to be to the Terminator franchise what the Crystal Skull was to Indiana Jones. also why does Daenerys Targaryen always have such bad luck with her children.

  • Ale Gomez

    Holy mother of dragons!! The CGI in some scenes looks awful! Hopefully, this is not the final render. And I want to believe that evil-John Connor is something that will be revealed to the audience within the first 30 minutes of the film otherwise this trailer just ruined a huge plot twist. Overall I think T. Genisys is either going to be horrible or totally awesome!
    On a side note, if Luke Skywalker turns out to be evil I hope they don't reveal it in the trailer, I mean SW doesn't need the shock value to bump ticket sales.

  • Juan Nunez (Xalazi)

    This looks so bad on so many levels: a mess of a story, bad effects, bad acting. It's a Terminator movie. So it won't out right bomb, but I would surprised if it does better than $25 million in the opener and it goes downhill from there.

  • Rick Rouse

    I miss the old Arnold Schwarzenegger back when he was young, more ripped and cool because I didn't know what a new world order Nazi scumbag conceited piece of shit he was.

  • Tobey Starburst

    It looks sooo terrible. The sad thing is that I am one of the biggest Terminator fans too. I hope this tanks at the box office.

  • Expl0rati0n

    The CG looks terrible. Can we get rid of everything being CG in movies and just use it when it's necessary? Most movie companies seem to be failing at using it.

  • Anzwar Shakur

    I am very impressed…. A.I. blending with humanity is a very big movie teaser like Transcendence brought on unsuccessfully tho

  • Den Ofchinnikoff

    Иди нахуй, тупорылая англосаксонская малолетка! Что ты понимаешь в Терминаторах?!

  • cdouglas90

    Why did they spoil a twist in the trailer? That was the problem with Salvation. Ya know, when they revealed Sam Worthington's character being a Terminator in Salvation?