Terrorist Attacks: Tunisia Mass Shooting 39 Killed, Beheading in France, Bombing in Kuwait 27 Dead

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  • guydecervens

    They fill boats with hundreds of these cunts, push them into the Mediterranean sea and Europe sends out it's navies to bring them into Europe.

  • Amber Dobrzanski (Binka xox)

    The fact that my family and I went to Tunisia last week and if we stayed just 5 days longer I may have been seriously injured or killed and that the people I saw entering the hotels as we were leaving could be dead now is a very scary reality

  • Charles Martel

    The World's largest gang of thugs, murderers, rapists, pedophiles masquerading as a religion. The followers of the fake, false, phony, head chopping child rapist prophet, strike again. Emulalting their fraudulent prophet by their vicious murderous behavior.

  • zareh77

    where are the so called peaceful british muslims condemning this atrocity by isis? let me guess. it was mosad's fault sais asghar bukhari. they stole 25 shoes from the shia mosque in kuwait and killed all 25 worshippers. it was western foreign policy in iraq and afghanistan that caused the killings in tunisia sais george the muslim galloway. it was the charlie hebdo cartoons back in january this year that caused these terrorists to behead that man in france, sais medhi hassan. unfortunately people like the names i mentioned above are famous british muslim activists who justify islamic terrorism. are stupid british government allows them to have a voice and a platform on tv's question time and the big question. islam=death/destruction and world domination. its time to fight back. from an armenian british citizen.

  • John O'Connell

    Muslim savages at it again I see, this is not a religion of peace far from it, Islam is a barbaric cult that seeks to impose it's will either through violence or insidiously using the terms 'Islamophobia' and racism in Western countries to appeal to leftist idiots to help them to shut down all debate and advance it's cause. Time for this to stop now!

  • Martina Smith

    All countries should do what Angola has done . ban Islam and tear down every mosque . Islam is an EVIL CULT !

  • Jack Quinn

    The World is in a bad state at the moment..I wish Aliens would invade us & sort this mess out because the human race looks lost..

  • Fux Ache

    We are peaceful, loving, caring murdering terrorist motherfuckers! Islam is the cult religion of peace. Please just ignore all the brutal violence we perpetrate daily.

  • Road House

    This is so very sad! :-(

    As a Muslim i'm shocked anyone would do this in the name of any faith. The the British Prime Minister said, it's an ideology that we have to all confront.

    Nothing in my Muslim faith EVER says to harm innocent people. Even the rulings on war in Islam say never to harm innocent bystanders, children, women or the elderly. So imagine during a war the Muslim faith tells you NOT to harm innocent bystanders, women, children, the elderly, or to destroy property or plants. And then you have people claiming to be Muslim doing these crazy stuff!! #Notinmyname

    This is far from our faith. Who shoots tourists, who have done nothing wrong????
    Infact in the Muslim faith it says to welcome guests with open arms, and feed them and give them shelter. This is far from our teachings!!! Islam forbids more specifically those that harm travelers.

    I love tourism, and to travel the world and to see many different countries, so this is really heart breaking to see people die doing what I and many others love to do. We should be able to travel freely and tour the entire world without being hurt or killed.

  • Ben Powe

    It's very important to realise what we are dealing with, these people believe in a book that tells them to create jihad against the non believers, and behead them !!!!!

    What we are dealing with are brainwashed, twisted, mentally unstable psychopaths, who all need to be gathered up and sectioned under the mental health act, keep the maniacs under lock and key and miles away from civilised societies

    The phrase MAD MULLAHS which came into existence centuries ago sums them up…………..mentally unstable vile evil psychopaths