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  • Draikofi

    I'm English and even I love Nicola Sturgeon. I don't want Scotland to be independent but Sturgeon is way better than most Westminster politicians by a mile.

  • Anarchist Communist In Space!

    Why does Margaret thatcher get remembered as a great leader? Nicola is a far more likeable and genuine politician than Maggie ever was!

  • newgamer85

    There not taking it away from Scotland there taking it away from the the whole UK more then Scotland in fact. I See no difference between the SNP to UKIP and they will not be happy to the UK pays for Scotland to have a better life the the rest of the UK which is the same as UKIP saying they don't want anyone from outside the whole UK its just mad.

  • Steven CornsJr

    She's insane, and none of the things she mentioned were invented in Scotland -_-
    And the referendum was awful for our country because it ripped the people apart, now a person is either yes or no.

  • Bake been

    Don't be fooled America! she is very different in the UK!.
    She is the type of person that demands what she does not want! and then complains when she does not get it!

  • scotchprofessor

    The world is watching. With typical imbalance and misplaced suggestion,this is how the anti-Scottish, anti-SNP, anti-Nicola Sturgeon 'British' Press' headlines described the above interview:

    The Times: Nicola Sturgeon compared to Saddam Hussein on Daily Show

    The Mirror: Daily Show: Nicola Sturgeon Compared to Saddam Hussein on American TV Slot

    Daily Express: Nicola Sturgeon compared to Saddam Hussein as she moans SNP didn't win ALL Scottish seats

    Daily Mail: What? You think you're Saddam Hussein?' Comedian Jon Stewart mocks Scottish independence leader Nicola Sturgeon

    The Independent: Nicola Sturgeon appears on the Daily Show, gets likened to Saddam Hussein

    The Guardian: 'You Think You're Saddam Hussein?' Jon Stewart Tackles Nicola Sturgeon on SNP Success

    The Telegraph: Jon Stewart to Nicola Sturgeon: You think you're Saddam Hussein?

    For an impartial view:

    Irish Independent: Sturgeon proves Daily Show success

    The world is watching, 'Britain'.

  • Lord Gothmog

    I have to say I am shocked at some of the profoundly petty comments from uninformed people on here from people calling her a "nazi" or "fascist bitc"h.

    She is not Ian Duncan Smith: The Minister for Manslaughter who has decimated vast numbers of disabled people with his "Welfare Reforms. And lets not forget the Bedroom Tax… Which the SNP GOT RID OF to protect us. Sure Salmond was First Minister at the time but she was his deputy and involved in high-up decision making, helping out where she could.

    She is not Jim Murphy: The walking disaster. This is the guy that instead of trying to be nice to people in the streets blared all kinds of rubbish at them and shouted in their faces (i've seen a video of him doing it to at least one older woman). Sure he got egged during one such occasion and I wholly condemn the guy that did it but for the most part Jim was the one in the wrong. And lets not forget: It was under his leadership as Branch Manager of Scottish Labour where the Party was decimated for standing side by side with the Tories against the working class by voting to impose more austerity upon the Scottish people.

    And when you look at Scottish Labour as a whole, you observe that the party is incapable of running itself due to internal fighting. When Johann Lamont (leader before Jim) was in charge, her so called "best friend" and colleague Margaret Curran back-stabbed her through a whispering campaign against her. And lets not forget the fact that there are vast divisions between the Scottish branch and UK Labour… When Jack McConnell ran the Party, Prime Minister Gordon Brown was essentially telling him what to do from the shadows… Just watch The Fall of Labour documentary to see what i mean.

    And of course then there is Labours HATRED of the SNP. Beaten by the SNP in 2007, they were furious and they based everything afterwards on trying to "Get one over the Nats" (words of a former Labour MSP). They absolutely hate losing and still do to this day.If they can't come up with decent policies and instead focus on demonizing one party for its triumphs, then they are the the one that should be criticized world-wide.

    And then you have Nicola Sturgeon: A woman who has stood up for our country from when she was 16 as a mere activist. Now she is First Minister and led the party to its greatest General Election victory ever, crushing and finally putting an end to the dominance of inept Labour politicians. From 2007 to 2014 as Deputy First Minister and late 2014 to the present day as First Minister, she has presided over two administrations that have brought Free Prescriptions (and improving the NHS: A healthcare system I think America also deserves with more staff, Government funding and less waiting times), Free Tuition for later education, Free Bus Passes for the Elderly, Abolition of the Poll Tax/Bedroom Tax, Free School Meals for the youngest children at school… And that's just the beginning of their good work throughout then and now.

    She is not a Nazi. Not a dictator. Not a bad Politician.

    She is someone who stood up for her country and helped better it, with the consent of the Scottish people who gave her the mandate to do so… By voting for her and the SNP.

    Can Labour/Tories/Lib Dems claim they get so much support with votes and respect in general in Scotland? No.

    History will look upon her very well.

  • Angus MacLellan

    The people who elected far left parties such as SNP (in Scotland) and Syriza ( in Greece) deserveall that's coming to them – bankruptcy, poverty and emigration.

    If anyone doubts Sturgeon's party is extreme left , type "named persons scottish gov" to see how Statist and authoritarian they are.

  • BSXtra

    Unbelievable that from this harmless and fun interview came the headline: "Nicola Sturgeon compared to Saddam Hussein." It's extremely frustrating how much power tabloid media has in the United Kingdom.

  • G Fleming

    And the UK newspapers lead with ''You think you're Saddam Hussein?' – Jon Stewart tackles Nicola Sturgeon on SNP success (The Guardian). The British propaganda machine rolls on & a Scottish person groans in exasperation! The fucking British press! P.S. To the outside world, that's how they won the referendum. The British press was filled with threats & scare stories, propaganda! Only 1 newspaper & no TV was pro-independence.

  • Michael Traynor

    Some people seem to think Scots are all walking around bumping into each other. We work,we produce,we're bright,intelligent,inventive…..the notion we couldn't take care of ourselves is frankly ludicrous! The question is,do we want to? If it came down to that,I'm pretty confident you'd have a landslide Yes.