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  • sweetXsweet2009

    I think Diana has a little crush on Blake ;D Look through all his performances she always has that big toothy smile on her face ;)

  • Beauty Effulgent

    His voice is good, but it's nothing special. If he wasn't cute no one would be listening to him. He's a better vocalist than Damian and Cameron of last season, but I stopped watching b/c of this very reason….the show is BULLSHIT. I watched the first episode of season 2 and said, "that cute brown haired guy is gonna win." I didn't watch a single episode afterwards b/c I already knew the ending, and sure enough I was right. How did I know that??? Because 90% of this show's viewers are immature tweener girls that care more about physical appearance than vocal talent…and every season the producers give the fans what they want. Cameron was a HORRIBLE singer. If anyone were to listen to him blindfolded they would say he sucked in a heartbeat. But if he hadn't quit, I guarantee he would've won right along with Damien, who isn't much better. Meanwhile people like Marissa, Alex, and Lindsay get eliminated when they're a million times more talented. It's just complete and utter bullshit…

  • Ready5etRock!

    Unbelievable!!!! I have only one word, …. Beautiful. Blake did a beautiful performance that day, I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!

  • The Great Mother

    i'll say this – on glee itself i think he's acting was really good even if they did not give him a part he could grow with. what a waste.
    I still love his version of "I'm still standing" and wish that was on itunes

  • Michaela Eng

    Blake deserved to win. Hands down. He wasn't trained vocally like Aylin but he had a great voice. He's a natural. His acting is amazing. Unfortunately his character on Glee just didn't have very great story lines. But Blake deserved so much to win and I'm still proud of him. It was probably meant to be. Especially since he's engaged to Melissa now.